Início Protocolos dietéticos midiáticos: características, aplicabilidade clínica e os possíveis mecanismos regulatórios

Protocolos dietéticos midiáticos: características, aplicabilidade clínica e os possíveis mecanismos regulatórios
Introduction: The practice of healthy eating is an essential method for the prevention, treatment and restoration of various diseases, therefore, the nutritional conduct must be based on scientific data on applicability, flexibility and acceptability. The objective of this work is to demonstrate, through scientific evidence, the characteristics and clinical applicability of some dietary protocols, which are in evidence in the media. A bibliographic review was carried out to address the thematic dietary media protocols: characteristics, clinical applicability, and possible regulatory mechanisms, in Portuguese, English and Spanish. The diets addressed were ketogenic, DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension), low FODMAP, gluten-free and paleolithic. Final considerations: The practice of a healthy lifestyle can generate countless benefits, such as prevention, cure and staging of several diseases, by doing a thorough analysis of the mechanisms and characteristics of some dietary protocols, you will find a certain degree of similarity: food balanced, diversified, individualized, indicated and accompanied by professionals in the field. Finally, it is concluded that to obtain plausible results, about the field of diets, it is essential to consider other aspects dissimilar to mass adhesion.
Keywords: dietary protocols, indications, contraindications, benefits, adverse effects.
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