Início Situação da gestão de saúde da população brasileira durante a pandemia covid-19:...

Situação da gestão de saúde da população brasileira durante a pandemia covid-19: Uma revisão integrativa
INTRODUCTION: The challenges faced during the pandemic were even greater in Brazil, due to the precariousness of the public health systems, not to mention the combination of social disproportion, with precarious housing and sanitation conditions, where most of the population has inaccessible items basics like drinking water. OBJECTIVE: This work aims to carry out an integrative review on the impacts caused by the covid-19 pandemic on health management in Brazil. REVIEW AND DISCUSSION: The present study refers to an Integrative Literature Review (IRL), based on scientific evidence, 18 articles were examined that responded to the insertion and removal criteria inserted in its formulation. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: All selected studies refer to the performance of management in the face of the covid-19 pandemic, and as managers and workers who actively acted on the front line, dealing with challenges and emerging situations, and what decision-making and preparing the SUS to deal with a pandemic. it was found that not one country in the world was prepared for a pandemic, but the way in which each government reacted to the situation in question was a reflection for others as an example, good or bad, in the case of Brazil, this reflection was bad, requiring even subnational measures so that there was urgency in the action plans to combat the pandemic, because they had to, not only fight COVID, but also maintain care for other diseases and treatments for patients, they had to support those who could not work, through a lockdown order that only did not cover essential services and that had to comply with security determinations.
Keywords: Covid-19, Management, Pandemic.
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Morte e luto no hospital durante a COVID-19: Implicações na saúde mental dos profissionais da linha de frente
BACKGROUND: The purpose of this work emerged during the pandemic context caused by COVID-19, as it influenced several events that affected the world's population, whether economically, socially or psychologically. Thus, there was a look at health professionals who were in the hospital and on the front line of the fight against the Coronavirus. OBJECTIVE: The present study aimed to understand how the high rate of deaths in hospitals related to the Coronavirus affected the mental health of these health professionals, to analyze its implications and how the confrontation occurred. METHODS: The research method was qualitative with descriptive and explanatory purposes, through data collection by the ex-post-facto procedure, four health professionals were interviewed online through the Google Meet platform, among them, a Nurse, a Physiotherapist, a Nursing Technician and a Psychologist. RESULTS: As a data collection instrument, a semi-structured interview was used, containing a script with eleven questions, seeking to evoke data from the perspective of health professionals on the definition of death and mourning, the coping mechanisms and the implications for the physical and mental health of these subjects. For data analysis, Content Analysis was used. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: According to the results achieved, the hypothesis was confirmed that the large number of deaths caused by COVID-19 had an impact on the lives of these individuals, in addition to having contributed to the psychological illness, as well as the coping mechanisms used in the face of death and the mourning in which they were exposed.
Keywords: Mental health, COVID-19, Health professionals, Death and Mourning.
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O cenário epidemiológico mundial em 2020, suas consequências e a importância em investimentos humanos e financeiros em pesquisas científicas
Introduction: The global public health crisis caused by the new Coronavirus (COVID 19) and the spread of the disease around the world has brought a new and critical scenario for everyone. Review: The world epidemiological scenario reinforces the importance of science and scientific research focused on epidemiology in public health to design public health policies and work strategies aimed at the quality of public health, especially in developing countries. Discussion: How all countries in the world have been suffering more from the consequences of this disease. The present work carried out a literature review that aims to highlight the role of research against diseases of public interest. Final considerations: It is concluded that public health services must be combined with scientific research to adequately promote actions that generate well-being for the population.
Keywords: Epidemiology, COVID 19, Public Health, People.
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Manifestações orais da COVID-19 e o papel do cirurgião-dentista no diagnóstico precoce e controle da sua transmissibilidade: revisão de literatura
Introduction: In 2019, the world was experiencing an alarming public health crisis, caused by a virus called by the international committee on taxonomy of viruses, as SARS-CoV-2 and later declared by the World Health Organization (WHO) as COVID -19. A new disease characterized by causing infections with flu-like symptoms and high mortality rates. In view of the COVID-19 pandemic situation, and its immediate repercussions, this literature review aims to analyze the main oral changes associated with COVID-19 infection, as well as to understand whether these presentations are due to the infection or represent secondary manifestations resulting from of the systemic condition. Review: The methodology involved a bibliographic survey in the Bireme, Pubmed and Lilacs databases, and the available literary works on the subject. Data collection comprised articles published in the last 10 years, from 2012 to 2022. Only scientific articles published and made available for free, without restrictions, were selected by country or language. Discussion: Among the oral anatomical structures affected by COVID-19, the dorsum of the tongue draws attention due to the high frequency and number of alterations, such as white and red plaques, whitish areas, hemorrhagic crust, necrosis, petechiae, erythema and spontaneous bleeding, fissured tongue. Final considerations: COVID-19 is a multisystem disease, capable of affecting the oral cavity, the most common manifestation being dysgeusia, followed by the presence of ulcers, herpetiform lesions, usually associated with immunocompromise caused by the disease, erosive lesions, blisters, vesicles, pustules and depapilated tongue, associated with the use of NSAIDs, in the relief of some symptoms associated with the disease.
Keywords: dentist, COVID-19, diagnosis, oral manifestations, non-pharmacological measure, oral health.
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A atuação do fisioterapeuta na Unidade de Tratamento Intensivo de COVID-19 – uma revisão
Introduction: COVID-19 affects each individual differently, so some infected patients require hospitalization to correct the low oxygen in the blood. Therapeutic interventions to correct this anomaly are usually carried out in intensive care units (ICU), with the participation of the intensive care physiotherapist and include, in addition to drug therapy, oxygen therapy and ventilatory support, which is usually invasive, with the need for prone positioning, oxygenation by extracorporeal membrane and inhaled nitric oxide. Thus, this article aims to present, based on the bibliography, the approaches of the physiotherapist professional in the intensive care units of COVID-19. Review: This study was carried out through a literature review research. For the composition of this work, legislation, technical pronouncements from regulatory bodies and nine scientific productions published in Portuguese in the period 2019 to 2021 were used. Consultations were carried out in the SCIELO and LILACS databases. Discussion: The physical therapy approach varies according to the degree of severity, characteristics and intervention approaches. Among the resources used in clinical practice for physical therapy management in patients diagnosed with COVID-19, oxygen supplementation, invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV), positioning and early mobilization stand out. Final considerations: The findings of this research allowed us to conclude that the intensive care physical therapist is of great importance in the multidisciplinary team in the ICUs and that their role directly collaborates in the treatment and prevention of cardiopulmonary, circulatory and muscle pathologies, considerably reducing the chance of possible future complications.
Keywords: COVID-19, physiotherapy, UTI COVID, intensive care unit.
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Integrative literature review on COVID-19 racial ethnic disparities among black pregnant and postpartum women
Introdução: As mulheres pretas grávidas e puérperas têm um risco de morte da COVID-19 quase duas vezes maior do que o das mulheres brancas. Estudos brasileiros detalham o impacto das falhas dos serviços de saúde nesta tragédia em que 15% das mulheres grávidas ou pós-parto que morreram da COVID-19 até Julho de 2020 não receberam assistência ventilatória, 28% não tiveram acesso à UTI, 36% não foram entubadas nem receberam ventilação mecânica. Revisão: Revisão Integrativa da Literatura (RIL), adotando os seguintes critérios de inclusão: artigos publicados a partir de Março de 2020, artigos disponíveis electronicamente e gratuitamente em bases de dados/portais. Os critérios de exclusão foram: artigos que não correspondiam recorte temporal de 2020/2021, que não estavam em inglês e português, textos não disponíveis na íntegra, artigos duplicados na base de dados e artigos de revisão. A coleta de dados foi realizada de Maio a Julho de 2021, na base de dados/portal Web Of Science, Science Direct (SciVerse) de Elsevier Scientific Publications, National Library of Medicine (PUBMED) e Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE). Foram utilizados os seguintes Descritores de Ciências da Saúde (DeCS): "COVID-19" OR "SARS-COV" AND "Mulheres Negras" OR "Mulheres Negras" AND "Grávidas" OR "Gravidez" AND "Racismo" OR "Racismo". Discussão: Para selecção de artigos, iniciou-se a pesquisa na base de dados Web Of Science, resultando em 02 artigos, dos quais 02 foram seleccionados para leitura completa e, após uma leitura crítica e completa, 01 artigo foi incluído na revisão. Em Science Direct foram seleccionados 02 artigos, dos quais 02 foram seleccionados para uma leitura completa e, após uma leitura crítica e exaustiva, 01 artigo foi incluído na revisão. No PUBMED, 26 artigos resultaram, 10 foram seleccionados para uma leitura completa e, após uma leitura crítica e exaustiva, 6 artigos foram incluídos na revisão. Finalmente, MEDLINE resultou em 18 artigos, dos quais 5 foram seleccionados para uma leitura completa e, após uma leitura crítica e exaustiva, 3 artigos foram incluídos na revisão. Considerações finais: O estudo incluiu estudos observacionais, com pequenas amostras e grupos étnicos diversos, não permitindo conclusões eficazes. Destacam os estudos brasileiros que utilizaram bases de dados secundárias e baseadas na população, encontraram a raça/cor preta como fator de risco independentemente associado à severidade da COVID-19.
Palavras-chave: COVID-19, gravidez, mulher grávida, racismo, grupos étnicos, morte materna.
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Encefalite autolimitada na COVID-19: relato de um caso
Introduction: COVID-19 is a systemic infection with the new coronavirus (SARS-COV2), which appeared in China in 2019 and has been plaguing the world. Its contagion rate is high and has already caused millions of deaths on all continents. Although it is asymptomatic in most patients, many cases usually lead to severe acute respiratory syndrome. Neurological symptoms, especially headache, anosmia and mental confusion, are prominent, possibly due to direct involvement of brain structures or the peripheral nervous system. Cases of critical encephalitis have been reported in several countries. Memory loss seems to be a commom sequel. Case report: We describe the case of a young woman who presented epileptic seizures due to coronavirus infection, with changes in the cerebrospinal fluid and transient abnormalities in neuroimaging, evolving with spontaneous improvement. Discussion: Our findings suggest the existence of cases of post-covid encephalitis from autoimmune nature and benign evolution, a potentially underdiagnosed entity in the face of the most serious manifestations of the pandemic, and perhaps responsible for sequelae such as memory loss and anosmia.
Keywords: COVID-19, epileptic seizures, autoimmune encephalitis, pandemic.
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Consumo de psicotrópicos em meio a pandemia do Sars-CoV-2
Introduction: The respiratory syndrome caused by the new Coronavirus caused several changes in the life of the world population, there was a need to adapt and change what was until then understood as “normal”. The lack of mental well-being triggered several negative effects on the daily life of the population, such as disorders, sleep disorders and psychological distress. It is necessary to address the medicalization of the population, one of the main mechanisms used to overcome psychological repercussions in a pandemic scenario such as that of covid-19. Thus, the aim of this study is to identify whether the pandemic of the new Coronavirus enabled a greater use of psychotropic during the period of isolation. Review: A search was conducted in the databases of the Virtual Health Library (VHL), Medline, LILACS, Scientific Eletronic Library Online (Scielo) and the Library of the Albert Einstein Institute, using keywords according to the purpose of the article. Discussion: Authors point out a greater correlation between the pandemic and the development of disorders such as anxiety and depression among young people and young adults, in addition to this, the increase in the sale of drugs such as antidepressants, anxiolytics and substances such as alcohol and illicit drugs stood out. Final considerations: The present study points to an increase in the use of psychotropic drugs among young people and adults, defining a correlation between the increase in disorders such as depression and anxiety and the use of substances as a way to minimize impacts caused by the pandemic. However, the need for more studies like this is reinforced, being crucial for the identification and verification of the consumption of drugs and other substances in this period among young people, and becoming another management tool against the repercussions caused by the coronavirus.
Keywords: young adult, anxiety, COVID-19, depression, mental health.
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Pandemia do SARS-COV-2: uma revisão integrativa sobre os principais medicamentos, aprovados ou em fase de estudos, que podem ser utilizados no tratamento da COVID-19
Introduction: SARS-CoV-2 infection is the largest public health emergency of international importance ever declared. The large number of loss of life is added to the difficulties related to the management of the disease, even with no effective treatment available. Remdesivir, Azithromycin, Dexamethasone, Ibuprofen and Chloroquine are some of the drugs under testing for possible use in the treatment against Covid-19. Review: This study addresses a bibliographic review, of the integrative type. For the composition of this study, scientific publications and pronouncements of health agencies in Portuguese and English, published until April 2021 were used. Discussion: Few drugs have shown any effect in fighting the pandemic. In the absence of specific medications or vaccines in sufficient quantity, the alternative to avoid the collapse of health systems, consisted of combining a policy of social isolation with the testing of the population. Final considerations: Despite the efforts of the scientific community, there is no specific treatment to block viral replication, there are drugs that help in the treatment of the symptoms of the disease. At the moment, when there is a growth in new cases and hospitalizations, only mass vaccination will have an impact in reducing deaths and hospitalizations in a short interval.
Keywords: covid-19, coronavirus, pharmacological treatmen.
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O impacto das fake news e a sua influência na automedicação na COVID-19
Introduction: Since the end of 2019, with the emergence of the global crisis generated by SARS-CoV-2, the percentage of global production and consumption of news and information on the subject has increased considerably, with SARS-CoV-2 occupying the largest part of the space in the media. The objectives of this work are to analyze the impact caused by false news, related to the use of drugs and other means as an attempt to prevent or cure coronavirus disease. 2. Review: This is a descriptive study, using the bibliographic review as a method, on the impact of fake news and the influence on self-medication in covid 19, in the following databases: SciELO, Lilacs and Pubmed. as inclusion criteria, original scientific articles, with keywords pandemic, coronavirus, false news, self-medication, covid-19, infodemia. 3. Discussion: Infodemia, the same as, the excess of information on the same topic, especially the coronavirus, caused misunderstandings and a disorientation on the part of people, who lose or minimize the ability to recognize reliable sources and content. The results obtained indicate that a large part of the community fell in the spread of false information even before the virus entered the country. 4. Final Considerations: In this sense, future research should focus on preventive educational interventions that provide users with the skills they need to access evidence-based information and to reject falsehoods. Necessary measures to control any infodemic. In this sense, this type of analysis can help health authorities to keep up to date on how social network users share information.
Keywords: pandemic, coronavirus, fake news, self-medication, covid-19, infodemic.
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A pandemia de COVID-19 e os impactos na saúde pública do estado do Rio de Janeiro
Introduction: The new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, which causes COVID-19 disease, has a variable clinical spectrum, which can cause asymptomatic and oligosymptomatic infections, but which may evolve requiring hospital care and even ventilatory support. Thus, the study aims to describe by means of indicators the impact of the pandemic on the availability of hospital beds in the municipalities of the State of Rio de Janeiro. Material and methods: A cross-sectional spatial ecological study was carried out, with a quantitative approach. The data were based on epidemiological bulletins for monitoring cases of COVID-19 in the municipalities of the State of Rio de Janeiro, for the period from March 1 to June 13, 2020, where 9 health regions covering 92 municipalities were analyzed of State. Results and discussion: It was observed that the region with the highest incidence, equivalent to 3,47/100.000 population, corresponds to the Baixada Litorânea region, however considering the absolute population the largest number of cases occurred in Metropolitan I, with 197,445, being 144,199 in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro. In addition to the descriptive analysis, Pearson's correlation was calculated and the result was 0.98, at the 5% level, which confirms that the correlation value is significant. Final considerations: It is evident that the State should intensify educational policies that seek to raise the population's awareness of how to spread the virus and expand strategies for rapid virus identification, isolation and early treatment, due to the lack of availability hospitalization beds to attend all cases of COVID that evolve with complications.
Keywords: COVID-19, beds, public policies, health.
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A saúde dos bombeiros militares no combate a COVID-19 no Brasil
Introduction: The Firefighter Military, in the exercise of the activity, puts his life at risk to save the lives of others or to defend public and private assets of society. And this has been the case since the emergence of Covid-19 in Brazil, with restrictive measures, isolations or actions to avoid contamination of these professionals and the population. And it is inevitable that some firefighters are infected, after all, both combatants and those who support the front line are at risk. Objective of the study is to describe the importance of military firefighters in combating the pandemic, addressing contamination rates and preventive measures adopted by some Brazilian states. Review: The theme it is of great relevance, since Covid-19 is a highly potent virus that has been causing one of the most serious public and economic health problems on a global scale. The methodology was based on a literature review, using databases from Scielo, PubMed and the Virtual Health Library (VHL) and Science Direct, published until September 2020 in Brazil. Discussion: Due to the high incidence and mortality, the effects of Covid-19 can be felt for a long time and emotional support measures with psychologists and other forms of medical and social assistance to military firefighters are essential and must be carried out in all Brazilian states. Final Considerations: According to the various sources used in this study, it can be seen that living with Covid-19 is adapting to a new lifestyle to prevent the recurrence of the disease until the vaccine appears for the population.
Keywords: firefighters, Covid-19, public health.
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