Educação em saúde

Desafios do enfermeiro no atendimento à gestante adolescente com ações educativas na estratégia da saúde da família

Resumo: INTRODUCTION: Teenage pregnancy represents a social phenomenon, even with the amount of information on health education. OBJECTIVE: to identify the challenges faced by nurses in care in the ESF to promote educational actions for pregnant adolescents. REVIEW: an integrative review, based on studies published in the Virtual Health Database. DISCUSSION: Adolescents have little information and are not psychologically prepared for the entire prenatal process, however teenage pregnancy is accompanied by many consequences, for this needs to be monitored. The professional's unpreparedness, the differences in the work environment and the lack of resources are the main challenges faced by the demand. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: The results found showed the challenges of nurses and their association with teenage pregnancy. However, the challenges need to be further studied and researched more widely. From this perspective, it is important to promote concrete proposals on educational actions that talk about sexuality, family planning and basic rights for pregnant adolescents. Keywords: Nurse's Challenges; Adolescent Pregnancy; Health Education; Family Health Strategy. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Psicologia e a educação em saúde

Resumo: This paper aims to discuss the main ways in which Psychology contributes to the field of Collective Health, with emphasis on primary health care in the area of ​​health education. Some concepts of health education will be presented, in addition to exposing some of the main actions and programs aimed at health education in the Brazilian context, finally, the role of psychology in primary care will be discussed, with activities aimed at Health education. Keywords: health education, primary care, psychology. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Medindo a satisfação dos estudantes em relação ao curso introdutório de cuidados em feridas ofertado pela liga de feridas e curativos – LAFEC

Resumo: The aim of this study is to analyze the level of quality and satisfaction of participants in a course offered by the Academic League of Wounds and Dressings in the municipality of Marabá, state of Pará, with the theme: prevention and treatment of wounds carried out on April 18, 2019 at the Faculty of Carajás. This is a qualitative-quantitative, descriptive, analytical study, using Likert-type quality measurement scales, with the structuring of five option scores, with “1” being less satisfied, “3” for impartiality showing no opinion on the question asked and “5” for the highest satisfaction index, using a 95% confidence level of acceptance for the collected sample. For the construction of the questionnaire, issues of relevance and relevance of the subjects were identified to understand the aspects of quality and satisfaction in general of the participants, data such as sex, age, educational institution, academic training and professional occupation helped in the understanding of the public studied. Sample obtained totaled 42 responses, from 142 participants, representing about 29.58% of the total participants. The collected results demonstrate satisfactory measurement for evaluating the quality and satisfaction of individual and general aspects of the course, fulfilling the minimum requirements for measuring quality and satisfaction using the scales used, reaching the 95% confidence level of the entire sample analyzed. Keywords: health education, quality control, academic leagues, personal satisfaction, academies and institutes. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Educação em saúde para alunos do primeiro ano do ensino fundamental sobre a leishmaniose em seres humanos e animais

Resumo: Objetivou-se avaliar o conhecimento de alunos do primeiro ano do Ensino Fundamental a respeito das formas de prevenção, contágio e sintomas em seres humanos e animais infectados por Leishmania spp. A leishmaniose, considerada mundialmente uma doença negligenciada, é uma zoonose crônica causada por um protozoário intracelular do gênero Leishmania, cuja transmissão ocorre através da picada de um vetor flebotomíneo. Foi aplicado um questionário semiestruturado para 56 crianças, antes e depois de realizarem atividades lúdicas acerca da leishmaniose. Foi possível constatar que após a realização das atividades e reaplicação do questionário, todas as crianças foram capazes de responder corretamente às perguntas reaplicadas. A educação em saúde demonstrou ser um método eficaz para ser trabalhado com crianças do ensino fundamental, utilizando-se de atividades lúdicas de ensino. O trabalho teve suas expectativas alcançadas ao obter resposta positiva de aprendizado junto às crianças participantes do projeto, demonstrado, inicialmente, por não terem conhecimento a respeito da leishmaniose em animais e seres humanos e ao, final do projeto, saberem desenvolver raciocínio sobre formas de prevenção, controles clínicos e sintomas dessa doença. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo