
Depressão pós-luto e o atendimento humanizado

Resumo: INTRODUCTION: The Post-bereavement depression represents psychic suffering that entails several relevant factors, which can go through life and negatively affect the life of the affected person, thus reflecting on a public health problem that needs attention. The present study aims to discuss the importance of humanized care by nursing professionals in patients diagnosed with post-bereavement depression. REVIEW: Post-bereavement depression is a psychological condition that can occur after the loss of a loved one. It is common to feel sadness, pain and longing after a loss, but when these feelings persist for a long period and begin to affect the person's quality of life, it can be a sign of post-bereavement depression, in this sense, humanized care can be an effective way to help people who are going through this difficult period. DISCUSSION: Humanized care means treating the person with empathy, respect and compassion, recognizing their pain and offering emotional support. Among the forms of humanized care that can help people with post-bereavement depression include Listening and validating the person's feelings and allowing the person to talk about their feelings and concerns, without judgment or criticism, as well as offering emotional support, showing empathy and compassion, respecting time and the grieving process, allowing the person to go through the grieving process in their own time and respecting their way of dealing with the loss. FINAL REMARKS: Post bereavement depression can be a difficult condition to deal with, but humanized care can support and help people to go through this difficult and complicated time, each subject is unique and understands grief according to their subjectivity, as well as each culture has its perception of death and mourning in a unique way from the others. Keywords: Depression, Grief, Humanized service, Nursing. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Abstinência dos rituais fúnebres e seus impactos

Resumo: Introduction: Dying has been part of the society since the origin and the rituals have accompanied this moment. The death has its meaning in every culture, however, along these last years, the pandemic has occupied a meaningful social place, at the thought that the world lives a collective mourning. Facing the problematics, it is observed that pandemic, besides causing physical impacts and abrupt changes, it also alters the funeral rituals. With that in mind, it occurs the question about the mental health of the bereaved in front of farewell privation like has always occurred. Besides the mass deaths, the abstinence from ritualized and accompanied goodbye is a question to be analyzed. Review: It is about a bibliographic review in which has been realized a research in books and indexed articles in digital platforms. Discussion: The death is universally known at the same way its nature is completely untouchable. Depending on in what culture the man is inserted, thinking and talking about death can generate chaos to those are close to. However, besides being an old subject, it’s totally unavoidable and of utmost importance for life. After all, it is understood a lot about the life observing how that culture faces death. Final considerations: The abstinence from funeral rituals disorganizes the process of mourning, and may develop in the bereaved a complicated bereavement, becoming relevant to think in other ways to ritualize the loss during pandemic scenario. Keywords: death, mourning, rituals, impacts on mental health. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo