
Política nacional de humanização do SUS: importância e implementação em unidade de nefrologia

Resumo: INTRODUCTION: The assistance to renal patients, given the various losses they experience, should be focused on biopsychosocial care, integral and continued, culminating in the effectiveness of the service performed through a multidisciplinary team. These characteristics talk to the recommended in the National Humanization Policy (PNH). OBJECTIVE: Therefore, the present study aims to investigate whether humanization strategies based on the axes and principles of PNH are known, applied and valued in the context of care for nephropathic patients, under the view of the professionals of the nephrology unit of the SUS in Brasília-DF. Methods: Descriptive exploratory study, qualitative approach and phenomenological method, with author’s authorship form produced based on PNH guidelines. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: High valuation of PNH was identified, especially to the guidelines that converge in the interpersonal treatment and quality of aesthetic and ethical service, with no significant difference between professional categories. Less importance was given to political guidelines, corresponding to group, advisory and horizontal decision-making processes. Regarding the implementation of PNH in the sector, the perception of the interviewees reflects the aforementioned results, adding deficit in individualized care and collaboration between professionals and users in decision-making processes.  As for the declared knowledge of the PNH, multiprofessional residents, absolutely, affirmed to know the policy while the effective professionals and medical residents mostly did not know it. Concerning the referral of humanized actions in the sector by professional category, observed self-administered bias in the feasibility of these actions. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: There is an appreciation of the PNH in the sector, since the practical actions are perceived in a superficial way and focused on the operationalization of the service, with deficit as the understanding/ practice of the integrality of the assistance and its political character. There was a lack of management, lack of dialogue between professionals-management-users and deficit in continuing education in care. Keywords: nephrology, humanization of assistance, national humanization policy. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo