Início Tratamentos antineoplásicos: foco na perspectiva holística da fé como agente terapêutico
terapia combinada

Tratamentos antineoplásicos: foco na perspectiva holística da fé como agente terapêutico
Introduction: Cancer can be considered as an atypical mass with unbridled growth with self-stimulation properties, and, only from the 30's, during the Provisional Government, did the battle really begin? Against carcinogenesis, marked by the construction of hospitals for the treatment and study of cancer. During the Middle Ages scientific research contributed to the beginning of the Renaissance, since then medicine and faith were better understood and included, simultaneously, in patient care. The objective was, then, based on the scientific literature, to know the relevance and applicability of faith, concomitantly with conventional antineoplastic therapies. Review and discussion: A literature review was conducted in several databases, which revealed that the search for faith may have been born of human need, due to its fragility, accepting but not giving in to the disease, presenting the numerous benefits of faith in the face of acceptance, treatment and positive outcome for cancer patients. Final considerations: It was concluded that faith transcends spiritual and psychological relief, modifies the physical state, acting in the systems: endocrine, immune and central nervous, helping in the acceptance of the diagnosis and negative outcomes; adherence and effectiveness of the treatment, and its result, as well as the placebo effect, is given by the mind-body healing method, where, through the beliefs and hopes at the psychological level, various physiological effects set in, resulting in better quality of life and survival, better prognosis and therapeutic efficacy.
Keywords: cancer pain, heal by faith, combination therapy patient's cooperation, antineoplastic protocols, placebo effect.
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