terapias alternativas; ansiedade; práticas integrativas; Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS)

Práticas Integrativas no tratamento da ansiedade

Resumo: Introduction: Integrative and Complementary Practices (PICS) use therapeutic resources that are based on traditional knowledge, with the aim of preventing various diseases such as anxiety. In the case of Integrative Health Practices (PIS), the focus of this article, they can be understood as technologies that treat the health of the individual in its multidimensionality - physical, emotional, mental, social and spiritual - in order to promote, maintain and recover health. . Review: This article aims to present alternative therapies for the treatment of anxiety, such as aromatherapy, floral therapy, homeopathy and acupuncture. Discussion: They are known as integrative practices and are currently applied with private clinics and by the Unified Health System (SUS). These are technologies that obtain satisfactory results, through a welcoming listening, with a therapeutic bond, which integrates the individual with the environment and society. The PIS have a transversal, transdisciplinary and intersectoral character. Its validation in the SUS occurs through the criterion of the traditionality of its use, as well as through proof of its benefits. Final Considerations: These Integrative and Complementary Health Practices (PICs) were instituted in Brazil in 2006, and are considered by the World Health Organization (WHO) as traditional medicine practices. This means that the knowledge, skills and practices applied in these types of therapies are based on theories, beliefs and experiences from different cultures, with a focus on health maintenance, prevention, diagnosis, improvement or treatment of physical and mental illnesses. The main difference between PICs and traditional medicine is that conventional medicine tends to treat symptoms separately; in the case of the practice of PICs, these are treatments that see the individual as a whole, not just as a set of symptoms. Keywords: alternative therapies; anxiety; integrative practices; Unified Health System (SUS). Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo