Início Escala de avaliação para adesão ao tratamento psiquiátrico: construção de instrumento e...
11 (2022)

Escala de avaliação para adesão ao tratamento psiquiátrico: construção de instrumento e qualidades psicométricas iniciais
Introduction: Difficulties in psychiatric treatments have been shown to be a public health problem, generating high costs in treatments and exacerbation of severe mental symptoms. In view of the gap related to protocols or assessment instruments for this condition in the Brazilian scenario, the present study aimed to develop a self-report scale that assesses the process of adherence to psychiatric drug treatment, entitled "Scale for assessing adherence to medication in treatment psychiatric” and the investigation of its psychometric qualities. Material and methods: Two studies were carried out: pilot study and investigation of the evidence of content validity of the scale. The results of the pilot study, conducted with 15 patients undergoing psychiatric treatment, made it possible to adjust the wording of the items. Then, the 118 items were sent to five expert judges who rated the items in the five areas. For the pilot study, the preliminary version of the Assessment Scale of Adherence (self-report) to medication in psychiatric treatment was used, containing 114 items. Result and discussion: Thus, 105 items presented agreement considered adequate (equal to or above 80%), being selected to compose the current version of the instrument, in order to confirm their evidence of content validity. Final considerations: The results of the initial investigation studies of its psychometric qualities proved to be favorable and motivate the continuation of the studies with the instrument. It is worth noting that there are limitations to this study, given that the construction of a self-report instrument is subjective and requires a cognitive understanding of the subject, especially on issues related to their physical and mental well-being.
Keywords: instrument, health psychology, mental health, psychiatric treatment.
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Panorama no ensino da Odontogeriatria na região sudeste do Brasil
Introduction: Odontogeriatrics started to be considered a specialty of dentistry from the year 2001, and Brazil was the first to recognize it. There are 244 specialists in Odontogeriatrics: 52 in Rio de Janeiro, 79 in São Paulo, 29 in Minas Gerais and 12 in Espírito Santo. Even with 19 years of existence, the number of professionals is reduced compared to the current elderly population. It is necessary that undergraduate students have basic knowledge about the particularities of the elderly, so that they can carry out individualized treatments and act in the prevention of possible damages. Objective: to carry out a survey of data in the faculties of Dentistry of the Southeast region of Brazil, recognized by the MEC, to verify how many present the discipline of Odontogeriatria, in a mandatory or optional way. Method: We analyzed the total number of Higher Education Institutions that presented: undergraduate dentistry, the discipline of Odontogeriatrics or related subjects, and make available the curriculum matrix. It was segregated between: offering the discipline (mandatory or optional) and those that did not provide the discipline. Results: Of the 161 colleges present in this region, it was found that 64% do not have the discipline of odontogeriatrics, 30.4% have the mandatory one, and 5.6% have it as an optional subject. Bearing in mind that there are 172 specialists in Odontogeriatrics throughout this region, and that only 36% of universities train professionals with knowledge of the particularities of dental care for elderly patients. Conclusion: There is a professional lack of preparation and an inability to provide quality care to the geriatric patient.
Keywords: Geriatric Dentistry, Dental Assistance for The Elderly, Dentistry, Seniors.
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Fotografia digital na prática odontológica
Introduction: The use of digital photographs in dental clinics is increasing and allows the dentist a range of possibilities: it helps in the diagnosis and prognosis of dental diseases, in communication with colleagues and with dental laboratories, in addition, it is a supporting documentation judicial system and a means of publicizing and promoting the profession. Revision: Dental photography is an integral part of the dental record and communication with patients, so all patients should have photos taken of their initial and final condition. Almost 72% of dentists are adept at the technique, which is used mainly in orthodontics, aesthetic dentistry, in soft tissue analysis (nasopalatine cleft) and in the differentiation of pathologies in the oral mucosa (leukoplakia / lichen planus). Discussion: Knowledge of various methods of tampering and editing of images brings out the forgery. Digital photographs for dental records and legal protection must be standardized and closer to reality, that is, without modifications and effects that alter the original image. Final considerations: Digital photographs are often used for documentation, marketing, patient education, and peer-to-peer communication. However, the falsification of images for marketing purposes and the disapproval of some patients, due to the exposure of the image, discomfort and shyness in front of the cameras, prevent digital dental photographs from being used in all cases and mandatory recording in the medical record.
Palavras-chaves: Dental photography, digital photography, dentistry.
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Habilidades sociais em gêmeos adolescentes
Background: Desirable behaviors are expected in adolescence, as they have had, during childhood, their space for interpersonal development. The challenges of adolescence added to twinning challenges join forces to go through the construction of several subjective factors, such as learning new social skills. Objective: The aim of this study was to understand how the development of social skills occurs in teenage twins. Methods: A qualitative and exploratory research was conducted by means of a semi-structured interview. The participants were twelve dizygotic twins, Brazilians and without exceptionalities. The ages ranged from twelve to seventeen years old, and the pairs were composed by twins of the same gender. After analyzing the contents, there were three categories identified, which were grouped into six subcategories: 1) Interpersonal Relations – Family Context and Social Context; 2) Twinhood – Perception and Positive and Negative Factors and 3) Social Skills – Deficits and Repertoire Variability. Results: The results pointed out that twinhood impacts the social skills deficit such as communication, and consequently in autonomy abilities, civility and making and maintaining friendships. The social skills developed by one of the twin teens does not always reflect on the pair. The partnership that occurs between the pairs is not directly linked to the acquisition of social skills, causing each one to build their own repertoire individually. Conclusion: The study highlights the importance of expanding the look at the behavior of monozygotic twins in future studies.
Key-words: twins, twinhood, fraternal twins, teenagers, social skills.
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Quando o paciente abandona a psicoterapia: uma análise na perspectiva da terapia cognitivo-comportamental
Introduction: The abandonment in psychotherapy refers to the interruption of the sessions and can be motivated by several factors such as: patient-related postures, the therapist, the technique used by the psychologist. Review and Discussion: The general objective of this article was a review of the literature from the analysis of possible causes of abandonment in the psychological treatment based specifically on the theory of Behavioral Cognitive Therapy. In cognitive therapy an important aspect is the alliance that must occur between patient and therapist, and thus work together engaged in the process of acceptance and professionalism. The success of therapy will depend on the bond established by the client and therapist. The alliance is so relevant that it facilitates or hinders the treatment. Final considerations: During the analysis and description of the theoretical references some factors are included to clarify the reasons for a patient to abandon therapy. The first is to not meet until the end the number of sessions indicated and established by the therapist. The perception of a small improvement contributes to the patient's withdrawal from the therapeutic setting, since they are discharged. Another reason for abandonment is the lack of clarification to the patient about the treatment that is or will be performed, but this is the role of the psychologist alone.
Keywords: abandonment of therapy, therapeutic alliance, cognitive-behavioral therapy.
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O cenário epidemiológico mundial em 2020, suas consequências e a importância em investimentos humanos e financeiros em pesquisas científicas
Introduction: The global public health crisis caused by the new Coronavirus (COVID 19) and the spread of the disease around the world has brought a new and critical scenario for everyone. Review: The world epidemiological scenario reinforces the importance of science and scientific research focused on epidemiology in public health to design public health policies and work strategies aimed at the quality of public health, especially in developing countries. Discussion: How all countries in the world have been suffering more from the consequences of this disease. The present work carried out a literature review that aims to highlight the role of research against diseases of public interest. Final considerations: It is concluded that public health services must be combined with scientific research to adequately promote actions that generate well-being for the population.
Keywords: Epidemiology, COVID 19, Public Health, People.
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A formação em psicologia e a atuação no campo das políticas públicas de saúde mental na região do ABCDMRR
Introduction: Research has shown that the presence of critical debates on Public Mental Health Policies is scarce during the Psychology training process, as the trend is the establishment of a traditional approach that reduces the subject in the face of naturalized and individualizing practices. The aim of this article was to investigate the absence of critical debates on this topic, with regard to the training and performance of psychologists in this field. Material and methods: The research was exploratory in nature with qualitative analysis of the data. Two professionals with a background in Psychology participated in the research, who work or have worked in the CAPS (Psychosocial Care Centers) in the ABCDMRR region. Results and discussion: The participants pointed out weaknesses regarding the content and discussions about Public Mental Health Policies during their training in Psychology and reported difficulties regarding the performance models established in the substitute services (CAPS). Final considerations: It was found that much still needs to be advanced, both in research and in the knowledge produced and obtained in the training universities, as well as in the role models of psychologists who deal with the daily work in the CAPS.
Keywords: professional practice in psychology, psychosocial care center (CAPS), psychology training, public policy, mental health.
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