Início Relato de caso: displasia ectodérmica anidrótica
13 (2023)

Relato de caso: displasia ectodérmica anidrótica
INTRODUCTION: Anhydrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia (ASD) is a rare genetic disease, with a sex ratio of 5 men to 1 woman. The typical manifestations are absence of sweat or sebaceous glands, changes in hair, nails and teeth. CASE REPORT: We present the case of a pregnant woman (G3P2C0A0) with a second child clinically affected by the disease and investigation of involvement in the fetus. DISCUSSION: ASD is a rare disease, prenatal care is of paramount importance for early diagnosis, as this way, it is possible to offer targeted treatment of the pathology from birth.
Keywords: anhydrotic ectodermal dysplasia, hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia, infantile hypodontia, infantile hypotrichosis, hyperthermia in newborns.
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Tumor maligno da bainha do nervo periférico mimetizando neoplasia ovariana primária: relato de caso
INTRODUCTION: The malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor (MPNST) is extremely rare and accounts for 5 to 10% of sarcoma cases. The clinical manifestations of MPNST include a growing painful mass. Symptoms are pain, paresthesia, neurological deficits, muscle weakness. CASE REPORT: We present the case of a woman with abdominal enlargement suspected of having primary ovarian neoplasm, who was later diagnosed with MPNST. DISCUSSION: The MPNST in the clinical case described, it is very rare due to the absence of risk factors. Its pelvic location makes the case even more atypical. MPNST it is a difficult neoplasm to diagnose, which explains the importance of case reports like this one about this clinical entity, in order to reduce the time of diagnosis and optimize the treatment.
Keywords: malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor, sarcoma, soft-tissue.
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Situação da gestão de saúde da população brasileira durante a pandemia covid-19: Uma revisão integrativa
INTRODUCTION: The challenges faced during the pandemic were even greater in Brazil, due to the precariousness of the public health systems, not to mention the combination of social disproportion, with precarious housing and sanitation conditions, where most of the population has inaccessible items basics like drinking water. OBJECTIVE: This work aims to carry out an integrative review on the impacts caused by the covid-19 pandemic on health management in Brazil. REVIEW AND DISCUSSION: The present study refers to an Integrative Literature Review (IRL), based on scientific evidence, 18 articles were examined that responded to the insertion and removal criteria inserted in its formulation. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: All selected studies refer to the performance of management in the face of the covid-19 pandemic, and as managers and workers who actively acted on the front line, dealing with challenges and emerging situations, and what decision-making and preparing the SUS to deal with a pandemic. it was found that not one country in the world was prepared for a pandemic, but the way in which each government reacted to the situation in question was a reflection for others as an example, good or bad, in the case of Brazil, this reflection was bad, requiring even subnational measures so that there was urgency in the action plans to combat the pandemic, because they had to, not only fight COVID, but also maintain care for other diseases and treatments for patients, they had to support those who could not work, through a lockdown order that only did not cover essential services and that had to comply with security determinations.
Keywords: Covid-19, Management, Pandemic.
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A importância do programa de treinamento e desenvolvimento para a melhoria do bem-estar de colaboradores de instituições de ensino
This article presents theoretical knowledge about the importance of the training and development program to improve the well-being of employees of educational institutions. Due to technological, economic and social changes, training and development are increasingly gaining ground in these environments, where there is a perception that this tool has potential for the continuous development of people, using it to improve the company and the well-being of employees. collaborators. The study presents a review of qualitative research with a bibliographic nature, the structure had a descriptive character where the survey of information of the authors that are in books, publications in journals of scientific articles, monographs, dissertations and theses on the subject was carried out. With the research it was possible to consider many relevant aspects during the construction of knowledge in postgraduate studies in Organizational and Work Psychology. The investigation of the proposed theme was carried out from academic/scientific platforms Scielo, Psicologia e Sociedade, FUMEC, UNESP using instruments such as periodical articles, dissertations, monographs and books. The review of articles is linked to the descriptors of Training and development, Growth with T & D, Benefits in T & D. The results show a critical and synchronic discussion about the importance of training and development to improve the well-being of employees of educational institutions. Based on scientific evidence, it is understood that it is necessary to deepen knowledge, there is no intention of exhausting the discussion on the subject, but of expanding society's view of this fact, being able to investigate the importance of the training and development program for the improvement of the good -being of employees of educational institutions.
Keywords: Training and development, Growth with T & D, Benefits in T&D.
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Diretivas antecipadas de vontade: assistência aos pacientes em estado de finitude em Oncologia
INTRODUCTION: Advance directives of will, documents that guarantee the preservation of the patient's autonomy, enabling the consent or refusal of certain treatments in the finitude stage of life. REVIEW: Integrative literature review study, and exploratory descriptive research. Articles with 5 years of publication, in Portuguese, whose main subject are advance directives of will, autonomy, terminality and palliative care are included. DISCUSSION: of the results obtained during a research carried out for the following study, three ideas were elaborated: Advance directives of communication, Dignity and autonomy and its relation with AD, Challenges in the applicability AD. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: The importance of greater publicity regarding what is referred to as Advance Directives of Will and the advantages of their applicability is evidenced. It was found in the literature, the lack of knowledge of the general public and health professionals on a subject, which consequently, raises the lack of a respectful dialogue with family members and patients, regarding their rights and preservation of self-determination, depriving the patient, or adherence to end-of-life treatments.
Keywords: advance directives of will, autonomy, palliative care, terminality.
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Mortalidade por abdome agudo por causas ginecológicas em mulheres em idade fértil e o IDH das regiões brasileiras (2010-2019): um estudo ecológico
INTRODUCTION: The acute abdomen is characterized by acute and sudden pain, with high incidence and mortality rates, and may be caused by gynecological conditions, with the quality of the service offered and timely access indicative of a good prognosis. The Human Development Index (HDI) is a measure that evaluates the human condition in three dimensions: income, education and health. OBJECTIVE: Analyze the correlation between mortality of women of childbearing age (FIM) due to gynecological acute abdomen and the HDI of the Brazilian regions from 2010 to 2019.MATERIAL AND METHODS: Ecological study, which used data from DATASUS and the United Nations Development Plan. To analyze the correlation between HDI and mortality in FIM, the Spearman correlation test was performed. It was considered statistically significant p<0.05. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: 635 FIM deaths were identified in Brazil due to causes related to gynecological acute abdomen in the period. Of these, most were concentrated in the Southeast region (312 deaths) and, lastly, in the Midwest (48 deaths). However, when we stratify these data by the population exposed to risk, we observe that the North region stands out. When analyzing the HDI, we noticed significant discrepancies between the states of the Northeast and Southeast. When comparing HDIs and FIM mortality through Spearman's correlation, a correlation coefficient of R=0.038 and p value=0.835 was identified, thus highlighting that there is no correlation between these variables. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: We conclude that there was a paucity of data in the analyzed period, especially in the North region. And, although no correlations were found between mortality and the HDIs of the Brazilian regions, it is emphasized that low human development reflects a negative impact on the health of communities.
Keywords: acute abdômen, HDI, mortality.
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Política nacional de humanização do SUS: importância e implementação em unidade de nefrologia
INTRODUCTION: The assistance to renal patients, given the various losses they experience, should be focused on biopsychosocial care, integral and continued, culminating in the effectiveness of the service performed through a multidisciplinary team. These characteristics talk to the recommended in the National Humanization Policy (PNH). OBJECTIVE: Therefore, the present study aims to investigate whether humanization strategies based on the axes and principles of PNH are known, applied and valued in the context of care for nephropathic patients, under the view of the professionals of the nephrology unit of the SUS in Brasília-DF. Methods: Descriptive exploratory study, qualitative approach and phenomenological method, with author’s authorship form produced based on PNH guidelines. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: High valuation of PNH was identified, especially to the guidelines that converge in the interpersonal treatment and quality of aesthetic and ethical service, with no significant difference between professional categories. Less importance was given to political guidelines, corresponding to group, advisory and horizontal decision-making processes. Regarding the implementation of PNH in the sector, the perception of the interviewees reflects the aforementioned results, adding deficit in individualized care and collaboration between professionals and users in decision-making processes. As for the declared knowledge of the PNH, multiprofessional residents, absolutely, affirmed to know the policy while the effective professionals and medical residents mostly did not know it. Concerning the referral of humanized actions in the sector by professional category, observed self-administered bias in the feasibility of these actions. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: There is an appreciation of the PNH in the sector, since the practical actions are perceived in a superficial way and focused on the operationalization of the service, with deficit as the understanding/ practice of the integrality of the assistance and its political character. There was a lack of management, lack of dialogue between professionals-management-users and deficit in continuing education in care.
Keywords: nephrology, humanization of assistance, national humanization policy.
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Psicologia e a educação em saúde
This paper aims to discuss the main ways in which Psychology contributes to the field of Collective Health, with emphasis on primary health care in the area of health education. Some concepts of health education will be presented, in addition to exposing some of the main actions and programs aimed at health education in the Brazilian context, finally, the role of psychology in primary care will be discussed, with activities aimed at Health education.
Keywords: health education, primary care, psychology.
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Aspectos psicológicos e sociais que contribuem para dificuldade no acesso de pacientes renais crônicos ao transplante renal
INTRODUCTION: The research explains the concept of kidney disease, quality of life promotion indexes linked to transplant treatment, as well as the social and psychological factors that permeate the process of kidney disease. OBJECTIVE: to investigate the causality relationship between social and psychological factors with low adherence to treatment in kidney transplantation. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Exploratory study with a qualitative and quantitative approach analyzed by the method of content analysis of Bardin with application of two questionnaires of own authorship, produced with focus on collecting psychological and social aspects related to renal transplants. RESULTS: We found cohesive sociodemographic profiles among participants, with no greater disparities between users, with no factors that brought benefits or losses. Regarding the psychological aspects, it was found the presence of emotional factors related to the elaboration of mourning, feelings of less value, conflicts with self-image, impairment in autonomy and anxiety and depressive symptoms that may or may not be related to low adherence to renal transplantation. CONCLUSIONS: The influence of psychological and social factors on the reduced level of adherence to transplantation is observed However, the deficits related to the public health system stand out, in relation to the non length of regulations regarding the referral of patients to the transplant center and effective health education programs.
Keywords: Renal transplantation, Psychological aspects, Chronic kidney disease, Hemodialysis.
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