Início Anestesia para cesariana com placenta prévia - um relato de caso
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Anestesia para cesariana com placenta prévia – um relato de caso
In Brasil, neuraxial anesthetics are preferred for cesarean sections. This is due to several factors. Among them, we can mention the safety for the parturient and the newborn, and mainly the management of postoperative pain. Furthermore, they allow parental participation in the birth, which is a unique moment in the parents’ life. But in many cases, these anesthesias are not commonly used, for instance, in the presence of placenta previa, a pathology that impacts the action of obstetricians and anesthetics. This work reports a clinical case of a pregnant woman with total center placenta previa, submitted to spinal anesthesia at the time of cesarean section. The report shows that general anesthesia is not always necessary for patients with such comorbidity, and that subarachnoid block is safe in such a scenario.
Keywords: Rachidian anesthesia, Cesarean section., Previous placenta.
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Descompressão de queratocisto odontogênico seguida de enucleação, curetagem e aplicação de solução de carnoy – Relato de caso
Odontogenic keratocyst is a different form of developmental odontogenic cyst that deserves special consideration because of its specific histopathological characteristics and clinical behavior. The ideal treatment for odontogenic keratocysts is a subject of debate among surgeons; however, treatments known as conservative among surgeons have shown good results when used as complementary treatment. Decompression treatment has been shown to be a promising alternative, but despite good results, this type of treatment depends of patient's cooperation. This paper aims to report a clinical case of an odontogenic keratocyst decompression in the right mandibular body and branch using Elixir Sanativo® Phytotherapy for irrigation. Then, enucleation and curettage were performed with Carnoy's solution. Significant remodeling of the cortical bone, extinguishment of the lesion and bone neoformation were observed, with no signs of relapse until now. There is a return of normal stomatognathic function in this clinical case report with a 2-year follow-up in total.
Keywords: Odontogenic Keratocyst, Decompression, Phytotherapy.
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Ferimento provocado por arma branca impactada em região maxilofacial: Relato de caso
INTRODUCTION: Injuries to the maxillofacial region caused by stabbing weapons, despite being little reported, may present high risk for the patient. Moreover, because this area is composed of noble anatomical structures, penetrating injuries can be highly complex to treat due to their difficult access. CASE REPORT: Male patient 21 years old, victim of a stabbing injury, object stuck in the face, was attended to in the emergency department of the Sergipe Emergency Hospital, presenting on clinical examination with a penetrated foreign body in the back of nose region. After requesting an imaging exam the involvement of the affected area was confirmed with a subsequent surgical approach. DISCUSSION: Anatomical knowledge of the maxillofacial region is of paramount importance for better treatment management, since functional and aesthetic factors are involved in the resolution of these lesions.
Keywords: Stab wounds, wounds and injuries, maxillofacial trauma.
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Efeitos da laserterapia de baixa intensidade como adjuvante no tratamento de lesão lacero contusa – Relato de Caso
INTRODUCTION: Oral injuries of patients in Intensive Care Units (ICU) are recurrent, trauma to orotracheal intubation, tube fixation position and/or excessive pressure on the tissues are well established etiological factors, and may increase the length of stay and facilitate the proliferation of infectious processes, directly impacting on hospitalization costs and outcome of the grievance. OBJECTIVE: To report a multidisciplinary treatment of blunt lacerous trauma to the tongue with the integration of photobiomodulation tissue with low power laser. CASE REPORT: A 23 year old male patient, admitted to the Intensive Care Unit, victim of multiple traumas with evolution to an extensive ulcerated lesion with areas of granulation tissue in the lower lip, extending to the internal labial mucosa, of hardened consistency and significant depth, in addition to a traumatic injury with a lacerocontusion aspect in the dorsum and belly of the tongue, treated multidisciplinary through a prototype of mouth opening maintainer and reconstructive surgery by the oral and maxillofacial team. CONCLUSION: This report demonstrated some possibilities of treatment of a traumatic injury, and its management is still a great clinical/surgical challenge in dentistry and especially for patients in intensive care units (ICU`S) and that the interdisciplinary associated with integrative therapies impact positively on the final outcome.
Keywords: Laser Therapy, Treatment, multidisciplinarity, Dentistry.
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Relato de caso: displasia ectodérmica anidrótica
INTRODUCTION: Anhydrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia (ASD) is a rare genetic disease, with a sex ratio of 5 men to 1 woman. The typical manifestations are absence of sweat or sebaceous glands, changes in hair, nails and teeth. CASE REPORT: We present the case of a pregnant woman (G3P2C0A0) with a second child clinically affected by the disease and investigation of involvement in the fetus. DISCUSSION: ASD is a rare disease, prenatal care is of paramount importance for early diagnosis, as this way, it is possible to offer targeted treatment of the pathology from birth.
Keywords: anhydrotic ectodermal dysplasia, hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia, infantile hypodontia, infantile hypotrichosis, hyperthermia in newborns.
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Tumor maligno da bainha do nervo periférico mimetizando neoplasia ovariana primária: relato de caso
INTRODUCTION: The malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor (MPNST) is extremely rare and accounts for 5 to 10% of sarcoma cases. The clinical manifestations of MPNST include a growing painful mass. Symptoms are pain, paresthesia, neurological deficits, muscle weakness. CASE REPORT: We present the case of a woman with abdominal enlargement suspected of having primary ovarian neoplasm, who was later diagnosed with MPNST. DISCUSSION: The MPNST in the clinical case described, it is very rare due to the absence of risk factors. Its pelvic location makes the case even more atypical. MPNST it is a difficult neoplasm to diagnose, which explains the importance of case reports like this one about this clinical entity, in order to reduce the time of diagnosis and optimize the treatment.
Keywords: malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor, sarcoma, soft-tissue.
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O uso de Plantas Alimentícias Não Convencionais (PANCs) em uma Unidade Básica de Saúde do município de São José dos Campos, São Paulo, Brasil
Introduction: Since prehistoric times men have used plants for food purposes, nowadays, they present a subsistence option for rural communities. Unconventional food plants (PANCs) are unusual plants, without a marked reproductive chain and not easily found in supermarkets, but their consumption is important due to their high nutritional value. Experience report: In view of the wide variety of PANCs in a region of São José dos Campos, a table was established in order to encourage consumption. Discussion: This experience report brought a positive return despite not using qualitative tools to measure results, the release of the table for residents linked to the UBS of the North Zone in the municipality of São José dos Campos was beneficial and well accepted by the community.
Keywords: basic health unit, disclosure, nature.
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Relato de Caso Clínico: Atendimento Pré Hospitalar (APH) a Hemorragia Exsanguinante relacionada a Trauma Crânio Encefálico (TCE)
Introduction: Unusual traumas are considered accidents that health care services prefer to name random and unavoidable traumatic injuries. Case Report: Basic Support Unit (BSSU) was called at 5:00 pm to attend to a male patient, approximately 30 years old, with head injury, with signs of intoxication, victim of falling from his own height. The basic ambulance was manned by the nursing technician and the first-aid nurse, accompanied by the Pre-Hospital Care (PHC) Resident (R1) and the first-aid driver. Discussion: Traumatic brain injury is an aggression of external cause that causes injuries involving the skull scalp, brain, central nervous system and a process that can last for days or weeks, but begins right at the moment of impact, with a combination of neurological damage, vascular insufficiency inflammatory effects.
Keywords: Pre-hospital care (PHC), Exsanguinating haemorrhage, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).
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Tratamento fisioterapêutico tardio em indivíduo submetido a cirurgia de fixação de fêmur, pós-fratura: um estudo de caso
Introduction: Proximal femur fractures are common after a fall, and are considered a public health problem. The aim of the study was to verify the effects of late physical therapy treatment applied to an individual who underwent fixation surgery after fracture of the femur. Case report: This is a case study of a 55-year-old female patient with femur fixation after trans trochanteric fracture of the right femur, under physical therapy treatment performed in 12 weeks, which involved manual therapies, strength training, balance and proprioception, as well as hydrotherapeutic resources. Discussion: After treatment application, it was possible to observe improvement and maintenance of muscle strength and range of motion, improvement of balance, proprioception and reduction of pain. Thus, it can be concluded that such an approach applied to the patient in question, was able to have positive effects related to pain, muscle strength, range of motion, balance and proprioception.
Keywords: physical therapy specialty, femoral fractures, hydrotherapy, rehabilitation.
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Encefalite autolimitada na COVID-19: relato de um caso
Introduction: COVID-19 is a systemic infection with the new coronavirus (SARS-COV2), which appeared in China in 2019 and has been plaguing the world. Its contagion rate is high and has already caused millions of deaths on all continents. Although it is asymptomatic in most patients, many cases usually lead to severe acute respiratory syndrome. Neurological symptoms, especially headache, anosmia and mental confusion, are prominent, possibly due to direct involvement of brain structures or the peripheral nervous system. Cases of critical encephalitis have been reported in several countries. Memory loss seems to be a commom sequel. Case report: We describe the case of a young woman who presented epileptic seizures due to coronavirus infection, with changes in the cerebrospinal fluid and transient abnormalities in neuroimaging, evolving with spontaneous improvement. Discussion: Our findings suggest the existence of cases of post-covid encephalitis from autoimmune nature and benign evolution, a potentially underdiagnosed entity in the face of the most serious manifestations of the pandemic, and perhaps responsible for sequelae such as memory loss and anosmia.
Keywords: COVID-19, epileptic seizures, autoimmune encephalitis, pandemic.
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Abdome agudo obstrutivo por íleo biliar
Introduction: A rare complication such as gallstone disease occurs through the fistulas formation between the gallbladder and the intestine, with migration of the gallstone to the intestinal lumen, responsible for 1 to 4% of cases of acute obstructive abdomen. Case report: We present a patient with cholelithiasis, whose gallbladder fistulates in the duodenum, generating acute obstructive abdomen due to impacted gallstone in the small intestine, approximately 15 cm from the ileocecal valve. Undergo a laparotomy with segmental enterotomy and the stone removed. Discussion: Although gallstone ileus is a rare condition, its early diagnosis and treatment are essential for to be less morbidity and mortality in these patients, mostly elderly.
Keywords: abdomen, acute, biliary fistula, cholecystitis, gallbladder diseases.
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Efeitos do uso de tubos finlandeses e eficácia da fonoterapia na qualidade vocal da transexual mulher: Relato de casos
Background: The voice is an aspect of communication capable of designating an individual's gender. Thus, many transsexual women seek speech therapy to adapt their vocal parameters. Objective: To verify the effects of using Finnish tubes and the effectiveness of speech therapy on the vocal quality of two transsexual women. Methods: Anamnesis, perceptual auditory evaluation of the voice, quality of life protocol in voice-QVV and acoustic analysis were performed to determine vocal patterns. Participant 1 performed only the exercise using Finnish tubes at a single time, while Participant 2 performed vocal therapy, with weekly sessions, for 8 months. Results: There was an improvement in vocal quality, an increase in fundamental frequency, an increase in the intensity and quantity of harmonics after the use of Finnish tubes. While through speech therapy, breathing adequacy, increased respiratory capacity, improved resonance, vocal projection, increased fundamental frequency, increased intensity and automation of a softer voice in spontaneous speech were verified. Conclusions: The use of Finnish Tubes can help in the vocal improvement of the transsexual woman. However, speech therapy plays a fundamental role in adapting all communicative aspects, in addition to providing the necessary care for maintaining voice.
Keywords: speech therapy, voice, transsexual, speech therapy, exercise therapy, speech acoustics, vocal quality.
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Relato reflexivo a partir de atividades desenvolvidas em uma unidade de saúde da família no interior da Bahia
Introduction: Throughout my journey I was able to discover an interest, in permanent education through the interaction and work that I developed in Primary Health Care. Through these processes of activities developed in daily life, I used the constructive methodology as my ally, in favor of educational movements case report: To demonstrate the results, I decided to develop a reflective report about my daily work, and I will quote excerpts from my cartographic diary, and I will talk about the development of certain activities experienced. Discussion: In my daily work, I was able to observe the existing relationship with EPS in motion, the way the learning process takes place in the educational space without being a cast. When observing the need for knowledge of the users of the unit and the exchange of information regarding breastfeeding obtained in dialogue.
Keywords: breastfeeding, popular education, continuing education
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HPV 16 em câncer de colo de útero durante a gravidez: relato de caso
- Introduction: cervical cancer is the main cancer diagnosed during pregnancy, it corresponds to 3% of cervical cancers. Considering its rarity and complexity, a difficult therapeutic standardization and treatment during pregnancy is even more challenging as the recorded uterus is directly affected during treatment.2. Case report: patient with well-differentiated adenocarcinoma, complaining of postcoital bleeding for 3 years. During the investigation to perform staging (ia1) in april 2016 at the oncology surgery service, a 14-week pregnancy was identified.3. Discussion: several issues and controversies still remain on this subject. The facts and uncertainties should be widely discussed with the patient. The effect of delaying surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy in order to allow pregnancy in cervical tumors is not yet well understood.

Dissemination of knowledge and scientific production in professionalizing courses: a report of experience
Com a construção do indivíduo e a fase de escolhas caracterizadas pela adolescência, os jovens buscam cada vez mais cursos livres para se profissionalizar e seguir uma orientação profissional. Portanto, o trabalho visa avaliar a construção científica versus a produção de trabalho em cursos profissionalizantes. O trabalho foi desenvolvido com 15 classes de Assistente de Farmácia e Laboratório, 3 aulas de Assistente Veterinário e Pet Shop e 2 aulas de Cuidador de Idosos. Ao todo, 33 artigos foram apresentados entre congressos locais, regionais, nacionais e internacionais. Frente ao que foi relatado, é possível afirmar que, quando bem estruturado, um programa de Iniciação Científica Júnior tem efetividade na formação social, profissional e científica de jovens assistidos e na interação entre os alunos. Da interdisciplinaridade, a construção do pensamento científico corrobora a formação de um ser inserido na sociedade, com dimensões coletivas de conhecimento construídas pelo homem.
Palavras-chave: cursos profissionalizantes, didática, metodologias ativas de ensino.
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