Início Psicologia e a educação em saúde

Psicologia e a educação em saúde
This paper aims to discuss the main ways in which Psychology contributes to the field of Collective Health, with emphasis on primary health care in the area of health education. Some concepts of health education will be presented, in addition to exposing some of the main actions and programs aimed at health education in the Brazilian context, finally, the role of psychology in primary care will be discussed, with activities aimed at Health education.
Keywords: health education, primary care, psychology.
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Morte e luto no hospital durante a COVID-19: Implicações na saúde mental dos profissionais da linha de frente
BACKGROUND: The purpose of this work emerged during the pandemic context caused by COVID-19, as it influenced several events that affected the world's population, whether economically, socially or psychologically. Thus, there was a look at health professionals who were in the hospital and on the front line of the fight against the Coronavirus. OBJECTIVE: The present study aimed to understand how the high rate of deaths in hospitals related to the Coronavirus affected the mental health of these health professionals, to analyze its implications and how the confrontation occurred. METHODS: The research method was qualitative with descriptive and explanatory purposes, through data collection by the ex-post-facto procedure, four health professionals were interviewed online through the Google Meet platform, among them, a Nurse, a Physiotherapist, a Nursing Technician and a Psychologist. RESULTS: As a data collection instrument, a semi-structured interview was used, containing a script with eleven questions, seeking to evoke data from the perspective of health professionals on the definition of death and mourning, the coping mechanisms and the implications for the physical and mental health of these subjects. For data analysis, Content Analysis was used. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: According to the results achieved, the hypothesis was confirmed that the large number of deaths caused by COVID-19 had an impact on the lives of these individuals, in addition to having contributed to the psychological illness, as well as the coping mechanisms used in the face of death and the mourning in which they were exposed.
Keywords: Mental health, COVID-19, Health professionals, Death and Mourning.
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Escala de avaliação para adesão ao tratamento psiquiátrico: construção de instrumento e qualidades psicométricas iniciais
Introduction: Difficulties in psychiatric treatments have been shown to be a public health problem, generating high costs in treatments and exacerbation of severe mental symptoms. In view of the gap related to protocols or assessment instruments for this condition in the Brazilian scenario, the present study aimed to develop a self-report scale that assesses the process of adherence to psychiatric drug treatment, entitled "Scale for assessing adherence to medication in treatment psychiatric” and the investigation of its psychometric qualities. Material and methods: Two studies were carried out: pilot study and investigation of the evidence of content validity of the scale. The results of the pilot study, conducted with 15 patients undergoing psychiatric treatment, made it possible to adjust the wording of the items. Then, the 118 items were sent to five expert judges who rated the items in the five areas. For the pilot study, the preliminary version of the Assessment Scale of Adherence (self-report) to medication in psychiatric treatment was used, containing 114 items. Result and discussion: Thus, 105 items presented agreement considered adequate (equal to or above 80%), being selected to compose the current version of the instrument, in order to confirm their evidence of content validity. Final considerations: The results of the initial investigation studies of its psychometric qualities proved to be favorable and motivate the continuation of the studies with the instrument. It is worth noting that there are limitations to this study, given that the construction of a self-report instrument is subjective and requires a cognitive understanding of the subject, especially on issues related to their physical and mental well-being.
Keywords: instrument, health psychology, mental health, psychiatric treatment.
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Habilidades sociais em gêmeos adolescentes
Background: Desirable behaviors are expected in adolescence, as they have had, during childhood, their space for interpersonal development. The challenges of adolescence added to twinning challenges join forces to go through the construction of several subjective factors, such as learning new social skills. Objective: The aim of this study was to understand how the development of social skills occurs in teenage twins. Methods: A qualitative and exploratory research was conducted by means of a semi-structured interview. The participants were twelve dizygotic twins, Brazilians and without exceptionalities. The ages ranged from twelve to seventeen years old, and the pairs were composed by twins of the same gender. After analyzing the contents, there were three categories identified, which were grouped into six subcategories: 1) Interpersonal Relations – Family Context and Social Context; 2) Twinhood – Perception and Positive and Negative Factors and 3) Social Skills – Deficits and Repertoire Variability. Results: The results pointed out that twinhood impacts the social skills deficit such as communication, and consequently in autonomy abilities, civility and making and maintaining friendships. The social skills developed by one of the twin teens does not always reflect on the pair. The partnership that occurs between the pairs is not directly linked to the acquisition of social skills, causing each one to build their own repertoire individually. Conclusion: The study highlights the importance of expanding the look at the behavior of monozygotic twins in future studies.
Key-words: twins, twinhood, fraternal twins, teenagers, social skills.
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Quando o paciente abandona a psicoterapia: uma análise na perspectiva da terapia cognitivo-comportamental
Introduction: The abandonment in psychotherapy refers to the interruption of the sessions and can be motivated by several factors such as: patient-related postures, the therapist, the technique used by the psychologist. Review and Discussion: The general objective of this article was a review of the literature from the analysis of possible causes of abandonment in the psychological treatment based specifically on the theory of Behavioral Cognitive Therapy. In cognitive therapy an important aspect is the alliance that must occur between patient and therapist, and thus work together engaged in the process of acceptance and professionalism. The success of therapy will depend on the bond established by the client and therapist. The alliance is so relevant that it facilitates or hinders the treatment. Final considerations: During the analysis and description of the theoretical references some factors are included to clarify the reasons for a patient to abandon therapy. The first is to not meet until the end the number of sessions indicated and established by the therapist. The perception of a small improvement contributes to the patient's withdrawal from the therapeutic setting, since they are discharged. Another reason for abandonment is the lack of clarification to the patient about the treatment that is or will be performed, but this is the role of the psychologist alone.
Keywords: abandonment of therapy, therapeutic alliance, cognitive-behavioral therapy.
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Após o fim de um relacionamento amoroso: uma revisão narrativa
Introduction: Relationships are considered extremely important and constitute part of the formation, maturation and development process of human life. Objective: Therefore, this article aims to understand the possible impacts of ending love relationships and their emotional and behavioral implications in the subject's life. Method: To this end, a narrative literature review was carried out divided into three stages, the first: the initial search process, the second: the exclusion of articles without the eligible criteria for inclusion, and the third: full reading of the remaining articles. 32 articles were chosen for the final sample of this study. Results: In view of the evidence systematically collected, it can be seen that the changes in the post-breakup of a love relationship, at a psychological level, can be understood in two ways: positive and negative. Standing out in the first: feeling of relief, positive memories, feeling of freedom, and in the second: the prevalence of anxiety, depression, anguish, anger, sadness, grief, low self-esteem and the feeling of helplessness. Regarding behavioral changes, harassment, provocation and criminal behaviors were noticeable. Final considerations: It is concluded, therefore, that love relationships have significant implications in the life of those who pass by, especially from the point of view of negative psychological and behavioral impacts, despite considerable positive psychological effects that are subject to further investigation. In addition, by mapping the findings about the psychological and behavioral implications of the end of a love relationship, it became possible to organize in a single place the main findings that corroborate for the elucidation and expansion of the debate regarding this theme, resulting, therefore, in greater accessibility to this information, especially in the context of Brazilian literature.
Keywords: psychological distress, romantic relationship, romantic relationship breakup, psychological symptoms, behavior.
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Vivências de crianças e/ou adolescentes que esperam por adoção tardia
Introduction: Adoption has always been considered complex with regard to the fact that most of the time it happens to solve the couple's infertility problem, and it is still not the first choice made by them, who before resort to clinical procedures in an attempt to realize the dream of motherhood / paternity. Material and methods: This research aims to analyze the experiences of children and / or adolescents who are waiting for adoption. A qualitative, descriptive and exploratory research was carried out with a case study design. The sample used in this research was composed of two children over seven years old waiting for adoption, the instrument used was a semi-structured interview containing seven questions and the data analyzed through content analysis. Results and discussions: Most children and adolescents seem to be aware of the reasons that caused them to be removed from their biological families, and placed in institutional settings, however, it is often in the shelter that they receive the attention and care that they did not have. in their families of origin, making institutionalization a better experience. Considerations: For children and / or teenagers who are in the shelter, adoption is a way to build or in some cases reconstruct many things, including their history, their interior that may have been shattered by those who had a duty to cherish for their well-being, but who did not do so, chance to really know what a family is, to receive a love that will not hurt them.
Keywords: children, adolescents, institutionalization, adoption.
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A atuação do psicólogo no tratamento de pacientes graves na UTI e seus familiares
The meaning as the awareness that intensive therapy patients can suffer grows, the units start to recruit psychologists to his teams. The Psychologists from the intensive therapy unit aim to evaluate and reduce suffering of patients, family members and employees to improve results. Thus, the objective of this research is to demonstrate the psychologist's role in the treatment of critically patients in UTI. Consequently, the need for psychological evaluate and patient support has gained acceptable. Since families of critically patients and UTI's team can also be stressed or traumatized, they may also require psychological information. With the gradual spread of the results of these researches among doctors, intensive care departments began to employ psychologists as key colleagues in the multidisciplinary team.
Keywords: UTI, psychologist, families.
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Implantação da Psicologia do Esporte no Município de Itajaí: Atuação do psicólogo junto a Fundação Municipal de Esporte e Lazer (FMEL)
Introduction: In view of the relevance of the new science of sports training called Sports Psychology that has fundamental importance to the athletes with regard to the optimization of sport performance, the present project aims to implement Sport Psychology in the Municipality of Itajaí together the FMEL. Review: It is a bibliographical review article with a descriptive character that points out that the biopsychosocial aspect considers mental health as important as physics in relation to the emotions and mental structures of the athletes. Discussion: Sport psychology is considered a study of the behavioral and emotional factors that influence and are influenced by sports performance. Final considerations: It is observed that the psychologist's role in the psychic health of a sports team develops starting from the emotions experienced by the athletes in their daily lives.
Keywords: Municipal Sports and Leisure Foundation, implementation, sports psychology.
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A contribuição da psicologia no processo de adoção
This article denotes part of the studies related to the Final Work (TF), defended in 2018, at the Center University of Northern (Uninorte). Psychology makes its great contribution in the most diverse social contexts, in the understanding of the subject, whether related to his way of being, in the development of family and social dynamics, and also of the new family outlines and arrangements. Psychology plays a crucial role in this process, since adoption also includes the legal aspect; which is a specialty that applies the knowledge of psychology to the field of law. The study presents an integrative literature review in order to highlight the contribution of psychology in the adoption process, a context experienced by children and adolescents, and by parents, candidates for adoption. The study aims to analyze the role of the psychologist, from the opening of the adoption process to the release of the filing of the adoption action, where it contributes significantly to psychosocial care and adoption processes. The review of articles related to the theme was guided by the descriptors "adoption, family and psychology". The results show great advances in research on adoption and significant changes, but that the child is still stigmatized in the face of a lengthy and bureaucratic process, as well as scenarios in which there is a compromise in creating bonds between the child and the adopter, in addition to problems concerning the idealization by both parties, in which there is a distorted idea of reality. Issues related to the new family configurations were also detected, with same-sex couples inserted in the adoption process, and relying on the support of psychology to demystify socially established concepts. Based on scientific evidence, it is concluded that the contribution of psychology is fundamental for the correct construction of family bonds and support in dealing with the emotional burden during the process and adoption, by both parties.
Keywords: adoption, family, psychology.
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