Artigo de Revisão

A atuação do enfermeiro no acompanhamento de pacientes oncológicos sob cuidados paliativos

Resumo: Introduction: Oncology is the area of cancer-related research. The most advanced stage of cancer can lead to the terminal state, which is a time when the disease becomes "unrecoverable" for the nursing team, heading towards death without anyone being able to do anything to change its destiny, except how it goes spend your final moments. Objective: To analyze the scientific evidence related to nurses' interventions in cancer patients during the terminal phase. Methodology: This is an integrative review. Open access scientific articles published in scientific journals between 2013 and 2021 were categorized. At the end of the evaluation stages, we selected 7 articles that enabled the execution of this study. Results and discussion: Three main pieces of information were identified regarding the work of nurses for palliative care, which are: importance of nursing communication in palliative patient care; the pharmacological and non-pharmacological care procedures performed by nurses; and the main professional difficulties that nurses face in patient care. Conclusion: Communication is the basis of nurses' work in palliative care. The uses of treatments aim to reduce the patient's symptoms and pain, increasing their quality of life during their final moments. And among the challenges, the service overload, the lack of resources and protocols to perform palliative care and the possibility of suffering the impacts of the negative feelings that the patient and family have at that time stand out. Keywords: palliative care, nursing, Oncology. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Práticas Integrativas no tratamento da ansiedade

Resumo: Introduction: Integrative and Complementary Practices (PICS) use therapeutic resources that are based on traditional knowledge, with the aim of preventing various diseases such as anxiety. In the case of Integrative Health Practices (PIS), the focus of this article, they can be understood as technologies that treat the health of the individual in its multidimensionality - physical, emotional, mental, social and spiritual - in order to promote, maintain and recover health. . Review: This article aims to present alternative therapies for the treatment of anxiety, such as aromatherapy, floral therapy, homeopathy and acupuncture. Discussion: They are known as integrative practices and are currently applied with private clinics and by the Unified Health System (SUS). These are technologies that obtain satisfactory results, through a welcoming listening, with a therapeutic bond, which integrates the individual with the environment and society. The PIS have a transversal, transdisciplinary and intersectoral character. Its validation in the SUS occurs through the criterion of the traditionality of its use, as well as through proof of its benefits. Final Considerations: These Integrative and Complementary Health Practices (PICs) were instituted in Brazil in 2006, and are considered by the World Health Organization (WHO) as traditional medicine practices. This means that the knowledge, skills and practices applied in these types of therapies are based on theories, beliefs and experiences from different cultures, with a focus on health maintenance, prevention, diagnosis, improvement or treatment of physical and mental illnesses. The main difference between PICs and traditional medicine is that conventional medicine tends to treat symptoms separately; in the case of the practice of PICs, these are treatments that see the individual as a whole, not just as a set of symptoms. Keywords: alternative therapies; anxiety; integrative practices; Unified Health System (SUS). Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Manifestações orais da COVID-19 e o papel do cirurgião-dentista no diagnóstico precoce e controle da sua transmissibilidade: revisão de literatura

Resumo: Introduction: In 2019, the world was experiencing an alarming public health crisis, caused by a virus called by the international committee on taxonomy of viruses, as SARS-CoV-2 and later declared by the World Health Organization (WHO) as COVID -19. A new disease characterized by causing infections with flu-like symptoms and high mortality rates. In view of the COVID-19 pandemic situation, and its immediate repercussions, this literature review aims to analyze the main oral changes associated with COVID-19 infection, as well as to understand whether these presentations are due to the infection or represent secondary manifestations resulting from of the systemic condition. Review: The methodology involved a bibliographic survey in the Bireme, Pubmed and Lilacs databases, and the available literary works on the subject. Data collection comprised articles published in the last 10 years, from 2012 to 2022. Only scientific articles published and made available for free, without restrictions, were selected by country or language. Discussion: Among the oral anatomical structures affected by COVID-19, the dorsum of the tongue draws attention due to the high frequency and number of alterations, such as white and red plaques, whitish areas, hemorrhagic crust, necrosis, petechiae, erythema and spontaneous bleeding, fissured tongue. Final considerations: COVID-19 is a multisystem disease, capable of affecting the oral cavity, the most common manifestation being dysgeusia, followed by the presence of ulcers, herpetiform lesions, usually associated with immunocompromise caused by the disease, erosive lesions, blisters, vesicles, pustules and depapilated tongue, associated with the use of NSAIDs, in the relief of some symptoms associated with the disease. Keywords: dentist, COVID-19, diagnosis, oral manifestations, non-pharmacological measure, oral health. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Biópsia em lesões enegrecidas e vinhosas da cavidade bucal: quando fazer, quando evitar? Uma revisão de literatura

Resumo: The biopsy corresponds to an invasive surgical procedure whose function seeks to remove a lesion partially or totally, with the main objective of making a histopathological study to obtain a conclusive clinical diagnosis. The aim of this study was to describe and analyze different surgical biopsy techniques and their use in the diagnosis and treatment of pigmented and vascular lesions, as well as to alert to the importance of knowing the different procedure techniques, taking into account their clinical indications and contraindications. A factor in successful diagnosis and treatment is to recognize the different types of distinct lesions in the maxillofacial region, which require different biopsy techniques. In this study we evaluated that the techniques of incisional and excisional biopsy are recommended in the diagnosis and treatment of pigmented lesions while for vascular lesions aspiration puncture, diascopy and vitreoretinal biopsy are more recommended, being only when indicated the excisional type biopsy. Keywords: Biopsy, Oral Medicine, Melanoma, Hemangioma, Oral Surgical Procedures. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Aplicação de toxina botulínica no tratamento da sialorreia crônica em pacientes com doenças neurológicas

Resumo: Introduction: Sialorrhea is defined as the extraoral escape of saliva. It is an embarrassing condition for the affected, causing psychological damage and affecting their sociability, being also uncomfortable for their caregivers. Review: This study carried out a review of national and international scientific literature, consulted in the Scielo, PubMed and Google Scholar databases. This literature review aims to evaluate and describe the therapeutic use of botulinum toxin for the treatment of sialorrhea. Discussion: In the treatment of sialorrhea, botulinum toxin type A (TBA), produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum, acts by blocking the release of acetylcholine in the nerve fibers, preventing the production of saliva by the salivary glands, and, without adverse effects, in counterproposal, the other treatments presented have several side effects. Final considerations: The administration of botulinum toxin presents itself as the best alternative in relation to more invasive procedures and the use of anticholinergic drugs that can bring different types of adverse effects. Keywords: Botulinum Toxins Type A, Salivary glands, Sialorrhea. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Management of oral surgery patients undergoing hemostasis modifying therapy: a literature review

Resumo: Introdução: A hemostasia consiste no equilíbrio da fluidez do sangue dentro do vaso, sem extravasar nem coagular. Em algumas situações esse equilíbrio pode ser alterado, dentre essas o uso contínuo de medicamentos anticoagulantes e antiagregantes plaquetários para prevenção de eventos tromboembólicos. Tradicionalmente retirava-se a terapia previamente a cirurgia oral para se evitar possíveis sangramentos trans e pós-operatório. O objetivo deste trabalho foi buscar evidências científicas que deem suporte para a tomada de decisão quanto a interrupção ou não da terapia modificadora da hemostasia em cirurgia oral. Materiais e métodos: foi realizado um levantamento bibliográfico em estudos clínicos e artigos de revisão pelas bases de dados Medline/PubMed, google acadêmico e periódicos do Capes. Conclusão: pode-se concluir que a evidência atual sugere que cirurgia oral menor pode ser realizada com segurança em pacientes em uso de medicamentos modificadores da hemostasia, desde que seja observado o nível adequado de INR e medidas locais de hemostasia sejam adotadas. Palavras-chaves: aspirina, cirurgia bucal, extração dentária, hemostasia, varfarina. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Atendimento odontológico em gestantes

Resumo: Introduction: A woman in the gestational period goes through several physical, psychological and hormonal changes. These changes associated with carelessness with oral health can generate several changes in the mother's oral cavity and impact the baby's health in the future. Review: Pregnant women are more susceptible to oral health problems (dental caries, periodontal disease, tooth erosion and granuloma), due to changes in diet, reduced salivary secretion, inadequate oral hygiene practices, frequent nausea and high hormone levels. Discussion: Pregnant women hardly seek dental care during the gestational period, due to fear, misinformation and anxiety about the procedures, in addition, the insecurity and failures regarding the guidance by dentists and doctors about care during pregnancy can collaborate even more to the aggravation of the problem. Final considerations: The most favorable period for attending pregnant women is in the second trimester of pregnancy. However, in urgent cases and infectious foci in the oral cavity, no procedure is totally contraindicated, following the proper protocols. Keywords: oral health, pregnant women, service protocols. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

A atuação do fisioterapeuta na Unidade de Tratamento Intensivo de COVID-19 – uma revisão

Resumo: Introduction: COVID-19 affects each individual differently, so some infected patients require hospitalization to correct the low oxygen in the blood. Therapeutic interventions to correct this anomaly are usually carried out in intensive care units (ICU), with the participation of the intensive care physiotherapist and include, in addition to drug therapy, oxygen therapy and ventilatory support, which is usually invasive, with the need for prone positioning, oxygenation by extracorporeal membrane and inhaled nitric oxide. Thus, this article aims to present, based on the bibliography, the approaches of the physiotherapist professional in the intensive care units of COVID-19. Review: This study was carried out through a literature review research. For the composition of this work, legislation, technical pronouncements from regulatory bodies and nine scientific productions published in Portuguese in the period 2019 to 2021 were used. Consultations were carried out in the SCIELO and LILACS databases. Discussion: The physical therapy approach varies according to the degree of severity, characteristics and intervention approaches. Among the resources used in clinical practice for physical therapy management in patients diagnosed with COVID-19, oxygen supplementation, invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV), positioning and early mobilization stand out. Final considerations: The findings of this research allowed us to conclude that the intensive care physical therapist is of great importance in the multidisciplinary team in the ICUs and that their role directly collaborates in the treatment and prevention of cardiopulmonary, circulatory and muscle pathologies, considerably reducing the chance of possible future complications. Keywords: COVID-19, physiotherapy, UTI COVID, intensive care unit. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

A eficácia do uso de probióticos na terapia de erradicação do Helicobacter pylori: uma revisão sistemática

O papel do Helicobacter pylori no desenvolvimento do esôfago de Barret: uma revisão sistemática

Resumo: Introduction: Barrett’s Esophagus is a premalignant condition of the esophagus in which normal stratified squamous epithelium is replaced by intestinal-type metaplastic columnar epithelium after prolonged injury to the esophageal mucosa due to gastroesophageal reflux disease. Helicobacter pylori is a gram-negative bacterium that selectively colonizes the gastric epithelium and is associated with a number of gastroduodenal diseases. Objectives: This study aimed to assess, by means of a systematic revision, the role of Helicobacter pylori in the development of Barrett’s Esophagus. Methods: The most relevant studies originally published in Portuguese and in English in the last 10 years have been analyzed, having as a reference the MedLine (National Library of Medicine) database. In order to select studies with the greatest scientific evidence, only clinical trials and observational studies have been considered. Results: This revision consists of eight articles with equivalent results concerning the positive and protective role of H. pylori in the development of Barrett’s Esophagus, and of one article with an opposite result given the evidence presented. Conclusion: According to our results and to most conclusions available in literature, although H. pylori favors the prevention of Barrett’s Esophagus, the bacterium is considered the main cause of active chronic gastritis and plays a relevant role in the development of gastric adenocarcinoma and of other gastroduodenal diseases. Keywords: Helicobacter pylori, association, Barrett’s esophagus. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Aspectos relacionados a associação entre obesidade e Covid-19: uma revisão integrativa

Resumo: Introduction: At the end of 2019, a new type of coronavirus was identified, named SARS-CoV-2 which was found to be responsible for the disease COVID-19. Some patients develop the severe form of the disease, requiring intensive care, such as people with comorbidities. Among these comorbidities, obesity stands out, thus highlighting the importance of knowing aspects related to virus infection, especially its association with this health problem. Review: this is an integrative literature review, using databases such as LILACS, MEDLINE, SciELO and PUBMED, searched through the solutions of the following descriptors in Health Sciences (DeCS) and their correspondents in the Medical Subject Headings (Mesh): Comorbidity. Risk factors. Coronavirus infections. Obesity. Discussion: 32 articles were arranged in the light of the literature, demonstrating the relationship between obesity and SARS-CoV-2 infection. Final remarks: With the study's findings, it was possible to understand that obesity presents itself as a risk factor for severe COVID-19, these factors imply important complications and repercussions of the person with obesity: mechanical ventilation, hospitalization and intensive care Keywords: comorbidity, risk factors, coronavirus infections, obesity. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Gestação na infância e na adolescência de pessoas em situação de vulnerabilidade social

Resumo: Introduction: Pregnancy in childhood and adolescence occurs more frequently in girls who go through situations of social vulnerability, such as low income, fragile school access, precarious housing conditions and low access to health services. In this context, it is known that an early pregnancy entails several risks for both mother's and baby's health. The numbers of cases are very high, classifying it as a public health problem, which needs to be studied. Review: The goal of the article was to improve the understanding of pregnancy in childhood and adolescence of girls in social vulnerability situations. The execution was made through scientific articles and programs of health organizations. Discussion: Twenty references were used for the study. Being eleven scientific articles, seven publications from governmental health organizations and two informative websites on the subject. Final considerations: Through the research, the conclusion was that social vulnerabilities are closely linked with pregnancy in childhood and adolescence, and need to be faced and resolved so that this public health problem can be reduced. However, as much as there are preventive programs for early pregnancy, the numbers remain high, characterizing their low efficiency. Keywords: adolescence, pregnancy, childhood, vulnerabilities. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Exercício físico para indivíduos amputados de membros inferiores

Entraves da atenção farmacêutica nas unidades básicas de saúde

Resumo: Introduction: Pharmaceutical Care proposes that the pharmaceutical professional acts by identifying, intervening and preventing the Problems Related to Medicines (PRM), through actions that promote rational use. Review: Systematic literature of the integrative type of relevant evidence-based studies, which were published between the years 2007 and 2020 in the Google Scholar, Lilacs, PubMed and SciElo databases, in English, Spanish and Portuguese. Discussion: The literature review allows addressing the main barriers of Pharmaceutical Care in UBS, evaluating the participation of the pharmacist and highlighting its importance in promoting access and rational use of medicines, with approaches that highlight the difficulties of insertion. Final considerations: Despite the barriers faced by the pharmaceutical professional, it is extremely important to act in front of the health team, since the pharmacist has scientific technical knowledge with regard to Pharmaceutical Care, thus promoting effective and quality care. However, it is important that the professional is inserted to carry out the actions inherent to their training, aiming at success in the users' pharmacotherapy. Keywords: pharmaceutical care, pharmacotherapeutics, PRM, rational use of medicines. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Interações medicamentosas entre terapias anti-hipertensivas e terapêutica odontológica: revisão de literatura

Resumo: Introduction: Arterial hypertension affects a huge part of the Brazilian population and this condition is commonly found within the male and elderly population, leading to the use of anti-hypertensive medication in some cases. Drug interactions may happen in hypertensive patients undergoing dental treatment with real risks of side effects and permanent damage. This literature review aims to clarify the subject of drug interactions that may happen among antihypertensive agents and those implemented in dental treatments in order to increase safety toward patient prescriptions. Review: The methodology involved and extensive bibliographical research on Bireme and Lilacs databases, Scielo indexer, Google Scholar, and literary work available on the subject. The data collection included papers published in the last 12 years, from 2009 to 2021. Discussion: Among the most commonly used medications in routine dental care, the Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) resulted as the most noteworthy aspect of this research due to the enormous incidence of interactions when associated with anti-hypertensive drugs, especially decreasing the expected effects of such drugs in regulating blood pressure. Final considerations: Once the risks of drug interactions in Dentistry are imminent, the routine drug prescription and application must be performed safely and responsibly by professionals and students alike, taking into account the hypertensive patient’s full medical history and understanding the risks that the drug associations may cause. Keywords: drug interactions, hypertension, antihypertensive agents, dental care. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

As vivências de mulheres HIV positivas durante o acompanhamento do pré-natal e no pós-parto

Resumo: Abstract: Introduction: Pregnancy is a moment that brings many emotions in women's lives and the positive diagnosis for HIV will interfere directly in their prenatal care. This study aimed to understand the experiences of HIV-positive women during prenatal and postpartum follow-up. Review: This is a literature review study. The Virtual Health Library (VHL) was used to select the articles that guided the research. In the VHL, the following descriptors were used: HIV, pregnant women, prenatal care, maternity, feelings and mental health care, crossed with each other using the Boolean operator AND to interconnect the descriptors. The filtering criteria for inclusion of the articles were: Portuguese and English, last 5 years and the databases (Lilacs, Scielo, BDENF, MEDLINE). Discussion: After study and analysis of the 11 articles chosen to compose the work, it was possible to identify three aspects that are most part of the experiences of HIV-positive women during pregnancy and postpartum, they are: The feelings, emotions and mental health, the relationship with partners, family members and health professionals and the stereotypes about the diagnosis and how it affects seropositive pregnant and postpartum women. Final considerations: The multiprofessional team needs to have an active listening and clinical look in order to provide a comprehensive care that attends all the biopsychosocial issues of HIV-positive women, from pregnancy planning to postpartum. Keywords: mental health care, prenatal care, pregnant women, HIV, maternity, feelings. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

A nutrição como medida preventiva para o câncer

Resumo: Introduction: This study aims to demonstrate the efficacy of nutrition to prevent neoplasia. Review: Integrative literature review using the Lilacs, Google Scholar, BVS and Scielo databases for searching papers published in the last 5 years. Discussion: After analysis of 15 articles it was observed that alimentation has a great influence on the appearance and prevention of neoplasias. Final considerations: the present study demonstrated that inadequate diet plays an important role in the appearance of certain types of cancers, and adequate diet may help to prevent it. Keywords: prevention, cancer, nutrition. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Expectativa da ação da liraglutida no processo de emagrecimento

Resumo: Introduction: Liraglutide is a synthetic, injectable drug, its action consists in increasing insulin secretion, decreasing the release of glucagon, delaying gastric emptying and causing a reduction in appetite. The objective of the research was to describe the role of liraglutide as a pharmacological strategy for the weight loss process, describing the mechanism of action of liraglutide, identifying the most common adverse reactions associated with this drug, in addition to presenting the therapeutic effects on weight loss. Review: This is an integrative literature review research, the portals for data collection used were the bases of Scielo, BVS and PubMed, with texts in English and Portuguese from the period 2016 to 2021. Studies in English and Portuguese, with full-text availability. The exclusion criteria for the research were articles that did not fit the theme of study and tests on animals, direct combinations with other drugs. Discussion: It was evidenced that the use of liraglutide is efficient and recommended for the weight loss process, the most used dosage was from 0.6 to 3.0mg. There are no differences regarding the different reactions in children, adolescents and adults. Final considerations: Therefore, liraglutide was shown to be effective for weight loss, with high tolerability and safety for age groups from 7 years of age. Keywords: slimming, hypoglycemic drugs, liraglutide. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Atuação do Fisioterapeuta em Dermato-Funcional em Pacientes de Pós-Operatório de Cirurgia Bariátrica: Uma Revisão de Literatura

Resumo: Introduction: Obesity was defined as excessive accumulation of body fat, the result of an imbalance between food intake and energy expended. Metabolic Syndrome (MS) was considered the main cause of this disease. Bariatric surgery proved to be an effective tool in the control and treatment of obese individuals, who had failed conventional treatment. Objectives: to describe the performance of physiotherapy in accelerating the rehabilitation process, providing relief from pain, edema and patient functionality. Methodology: A literature review was carried out, through classic books and articles, in databases such as: Pubmed, Google Academic, Scielo. The books and articles used were produced in the last eleven years. Results: The role of physiotherapy in the postoperative period of bariatric surgery treats symptoms such as: edema. Lymphatic drainage provides tissue decongestion, as well as: provides faster healing. Discussion: Lymphatic drainage consisted of a massage modality, through precise, light, gentle, slow and rhythmic maneuvers, which follow the path of the superficial lymphatic system. Lymphatic drainage was effective in the treatment, as there is a reduction in edema in the postoperative period of surgery. Final considerations: The treatment of functional dermatological physiotherapy in patients undergoing bariatric surgery, in order to alleviate pain and edema in the immediate postoperative period, prevents and treats complications, in addition to providing a better quality of life Keywords: obesity, metabolic syndrome, bariatric surgery, dermato functional physiotherapy. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

A importância das políticas públicas para o tratamento da hemoglobinúria paroxística noturna

Resumo: Introduction: Rare disease is classified as one that affects up to 65 people per 100,000 individuals. They are usually chronic and degenerative conditions, many of them without a cure or effective and accessible treatment, which cause a high degree of morbidity and mortality, in addition to facing a great challenge, because due to their low incidence, health professionals do not have the knowledge about their existence, which reflects in a late diagnosis and lack of public health preparation. Review: This article focuses on the rare disease called Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH) and its scenario in public health. Discussion: The PNH is characterized as a rare acquired chronic hemolytic anemia, caused by the non-malignant clonal expansion of one or several hematopoietic stem cells, developing various symptoms in their carriers. Its estimated annual incidence is 1.3 new cases per one million individuals, but as it is a difficult disease to diagnose, the number may be underestimated and does not reflect reality. Final considerations: PNH patients face a long and difficult trajectory, from diagnosis to effective treatment. Even with established guidelines, many patients with rare diseases and their respective families receive unequal treatment in the health service. Public policies are necessary and need to be effective to improve access to information and treatment, provide the necessary structure and follow-up, to reduce the impact caused by these diseases and contribute to improving the quality of life of patients. Keywords: rare disease, paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria, PNH, public health, unified health system, SUS. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Integrative literature review on COVID-19 racial ethnic disparities among black pregnant and postpartum women

Resumo: Introdução: As mulheres pretas grávidas e puérperas têm um risco de morte da COVID-19 quase duas vezes maior do que o das mulheres brancas. Estudos brasileiros detalham o impacto das falhas dos serviços de saúde nesta tragédia em que 15% das mulheres grávidas ou pós-parto que morreram da COVID-19 até Julho de 2020 não receberam assistência ventilatória, 28% não tiveram acesso à UTI, 36% não foram entubadas nem receberam ventilação mecânica. Revisão: Revisão Integrativa da Literatura (RIL), adotando os seguintes critérios de inclusão: artigos publicados a partir de Março de 2020, artigos disponíveis electronicamente e gratuitamente em bases de dados/portais. Os critérios de exclusão foram: artigos que não correspondiam recorte temporal de 2020/2021, que não estavam em inglês e português, textos não disponíveis na íntegra, artigos duplicados na base de dados e artigos de revisão. A coleta de dados foi realizada de Maio a Julho de 2021, na base de dados/portal Web Of Science, Science Direct (SciVerse) de Elsevier Scientific Publications, National Library of Medicine (PUBMED) e Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE). Foram utilizados os seguintes Descritores de Ciências da Saúde (DeCS): "COVID-19" OR "SARS-COV" AND "Mulheres Negras" OR "Mulheres Negras" AND "Grávidas" OR "Gravidez" AND "Racismo" OR "Racismo". Discussão: Para selecção de artigos, iniciou-se a pesquisa na base de dados Web Of Science, resultando em 02 artigos, dos quais 02 foram seleccionados para leitura completa e, após uma leitura crítica e completa, 01 artigo foi incluído na revisão. Em Science Direct foram seleccionados 02 artigos, dos quais 02 foram seleccionados para uma leitura completa e, após uma leitura crítica e exaustiva, 01 artigo foi incluído na revisão. No PUBMED, 26 artigos resultaram, 10 foram seleccionados para uma leitura completa e, após uma leitura crítica e exaustiva, 6 artigos foram incluídos na revisão. Finalmente, MEDLINE resultou em 18 artigos, dos quais 5 foram seleccionados para uma leitura completa e, após uma leitura crítica e exaustiva, 3 artigos foram incluídos na revisão. Considerações finais: O estudo incluiu estudos observacionais, com pequenas amostras e grupos étnicos diversos, não permitindo conclusões eficazes. Destacam os estudos brasileiros que utilizaram bases de dados secundárias e baseadas na população, encontraram a raça/cor preta como fator de risco independentemente associado à severidade da COVID-19. Palavras-chave: COVID-19, gravidez, mulher grávida, racismo, grupos étnicos, morte materna. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Benefícios da fisioterapia pélvica nas disfunções sexuais femininas e na qualidade de vida: revisão integrativa

Resumo: Background: Sexual dysfunctions are characterized as any disorder that will have effects and / or will cause damage to the female sexual function that directly impact the quality of life and affective food relationships. Objective: The aim of this research was to carry out an integrative review with a view to proving the benefits of pelvic physiotherapy in the treatment of female sexual dysfunction and quality of life. Revision: This is an integrative literature review study, with bibliographic search of published articles published, Latin American and Caribbean platforms in Health Sciences (LILACS), Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online - (MEDLINE / PUBMED ), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO), Sciencedirect and Mendeley, combined in English and Portuguese. The search took place between January and June 2021 and the year of publication was not used as a selection criterion. Discussion: The initial search found 28,100 titles, which, after cc, were reduced to just 560 articles. Of these, only 7 were consistent with the survey. Final considerations: Based on this research, it identifies that pelvic physiotherapy plays a key role in the treatment of female sexual dysfunctions (FSD), and in improving the quality of life, since as FSD they change not only the woman's physical structures, but also psychological and social. Keywords: sexual dysfunction, physiotherapy, quality of life. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Abstinência dos rituais fúnebres e seus impactos

Resumo: Introduction: Dying has been part of the society since the origin and the rituals have accompanied this moment. The death has its meaning in every culture, however, along these last years, the pandemic has occupied a meaningful social place, at the thought that the world lives a collective mourning. Facing the problematics, it is observed that pandemic, besides causing physical impacts and abrupt changes, it also alters the funeral rituals. With that in mind, it occurs the question about the mental health of the bereaved in front of farewell privation like has always occurred. Besides the mass deaths, the abstinence from ritualized and accompanied goodbye is a question to be analyzed. Review: It is about a bibliographic review in which has been realized a research in books and indexed articles in digital platforms. Discussion: The death is universally known at the same way its nature is completely untouchable. Depending on in what culture the man is inserted, thinking and talking about death can generate chaos to those are close to. However, besides being an old subject, it’s totally unavoidable and of utmost importance for life. After all, it is understood a lot about the life observing how that culture faces death. Final considerations: The abstinence from funeral rituals disorganizes the process of mourning, and may develop in the bereaved a complicated bereavement, becoming relevant to think in other ways to ritualize the loss during pandemic scenario. Keywords: death, mourning, rituals, impacts on mental health. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Utilização de ácido valproico para redução da resistência do sorafenibe no tratamento de pacientes com hepatocarcinoma refratário

Resumo: Introduction: Hepatocarcinoma is the most common type of liver tumor, with sorafenib, the first approved option approved by the United Stated Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for advanced disease. However, resistance to sorafenib has recently been reported, compromising its beneficial clinical results. Recent studies have shown that valproic acid could increase sorafenib antitumor activity in resistant hepatocarcinoma cells by modulating signaling pathways. The work aims to present the signaling pathways by which the association between sorafenib and valproic acid demonstrated positive results, thus reversing the resistance to sorafenib presented in patients with hepatocarcinoma. Review: The research was carried out based on searches in the Virtual Health Library (VHL) and Pubmed databases, with the keywords in English sorafenib, valproic acid, mechanisms of resistance and hepatocellular carcinoma, and their respective terms in Portuguese. The search period was from December 7, 2020 to February 7, 2021, and articles published between 2011 and 2021 were considered valid, using the inclusion and exclusion criteria, the abstract and introduction, resulting in 19 articles included in the research. Discussion and Final considerations: The evidence shows that the combined treatment between sorafenib and valproic acid can act in different signaling pathways in order to overcome drug resistance, but also inhibit the expression of genes related to hepatocarcinoma. However, even though valproic acid has been suggested as a possible adjuvant drug for the treatment of various types of cancers, the mechanism used in reversing the resistance of hepatocarcinoma cells is not clear, thus requiring further studies. Keywords: valproic acid, hepatocellular carcinoma, mechanisms of resistance, sorafenib. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

O impacto do Omega-3 no tratamento da leucemia em crianças e adolescentes

Resumo: There are several types of neoplasms, and leukemias are the types that most affect children and adolescents. Affecting the bone marrow which is responsible for manufacturing blood formants. In Brazil, cancer represents the leading cause of death among children and adolescents aged between 1 and 19 years. This research is a literature review study and aimed to define the impact of omega-3 in the treatment of leukemia in children and adolescents. A literature review was carried out in the electronic databases PubMed and Scielo with articles published between 2009 and 2019. Studies show the importance of nutritional treatment with immunomodulators for patients with cancer, especially the use of omega-3 as a strategy to improve the clinical condition. The study results indistinctly that indistinctly considerable health benefits, including anti-inflammatory effects and antioxidant effects with the use of omega-3 fatty acids in cancer patients. Keywords: Children, Adolescents, Acute myeloid leukemia, Immunological factors. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Exercícios físicos de alto impacto e incontinência urinária em mulheres jovens: revisão integrativa da literatura

Resumo: Introduction: Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is defined as the complaint of involuntary loss of urine through physical exertion, sneezing or coughing. The study aimed to understand a treatment for urinary incontinence related to high-impact exercise practice in young women. Method: A descriptive exploratory study was carried out, developed from the integrative review method. Scientific articles published between the period 2020 and 2021 were selected. Of the 88 approved studies, 10 met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. It was identified that the ages of the participants varied considerably, so that the average age of the participants ranged from 18 years old to 43 years old. The mean of the population per study was evaluated at 119.9 women per study analyzed. Review: The results collected were related to women who practiced physical activities, such as rhythmic gymnastics, CrossFit, BodyPump, including in the sample women who were in the process of resuming physical activities after delivery. It was not identified that high-impact physical activities are the direct cause of SUI. There was a correlation between women who practice physical activities with impact and the incidence of this type of incontinence. There are no conventional and fully indicated treatments for this pathology in female women who practice sports. Final considerations: The training of pelvic tissue muscle strengthening was reported in studies with promising rates for the control of SUI, with no known adverse effects, and may thus be for women who practice these activities. Keywords: urinary incontinence, effort urinary incontinence, exercise, physical therapy specialty. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Relevância da leitura da bula de medicamentos

Resumo: Introduction: Information on medications is made available to users through the package inserts, accompanied by information that guides their proper use. Review: The methodology for preparing the study took place through bibliographic research of an exploratory nature, which is based on the collection of data that can describe the importance of the package leaflet, and its use and understanding among users through reading. Discussion: According to several authors studied, many users do not read the package inserts of the drugs they consume, being dependent only on the guidelines for the form of use made by health professionals. According to ANVISA's requirements, users need to have information regarding medications, and, in this case, the package insert, in addition to providing such information, brings legal specifications that guarantee this access to patients, providing clear and technical guidance through the packaging itself. Final considerations: In this way, it is concluded that the patient needs to read the medicine leaflet, as it facilitates self - medication, helping in well - being and improving the quality of life. Keywords: medication, reading, package insert, medication legislation. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Classificação das posições de terceiros molares inclusos e semi-inclusos: uma revisão de literatura

Resumo: Introduction: Third molars are the last teeth that, according to the chronological scale of tooth eruption, emerge in the dental arch and are usually included or semi-included. Revision: There may be several causes for this phenomenon, either by bone topography, lack of space in the arch or by the position of the second molar. The teeth most likely to be found included are the upper and lower third molars and then the upper canines. Discussion: An impacted tooth is one whose eruption has not occurred at the expected time according to the eruption chronology of permanent teeth. Final Considerations: With this in mind, this article presents the main classifications of the positions of retained third molars and the frequency in which they are most commonly found. Keywords: Winter's classification, Pell and Gregory's classification, included third molars, etiology and prevalence of included teeth. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Osteorradionecrose: como tratar?

Resumo: Osteoradionecrosis is one of the most serious complications of radiotherapy, which is used for the treatment of head and neck neoplasms. It is a disease in which the irradiated bone becomes devitalized and exposed through the loss of skin and mucosa integrity, persisting without scarring. Review: Facial osteoradionecrosis affects the mandible in most cases, followed by the maxilla. The most important risk factors are the radiation dose used, the presence of periodontal diseases and tooth extractions. Clinical features for diagnosis include local pain, trismus, halitosis, bone exposure, secretion drainage, and fistulization to the skin or mucosa. Discussion: The most complex cases require surgical approach, with radical debridement of devitalized bone and soft tissue, associated with reconstruction. Among the existing options for mandible reconstruction, the most used are free flaps of bone tissue, such as the fibula, iliac crest, scapula and radial forearm flaps. As for the maxilla, the most used are the anterolateral thigh and radial forearm flaps. These are well-vascularized tissues, which provide adequate filling and coverage of the remaining defect. Final considerations: Osteoradionecrosis requires a complex and multidisciplinary treatment where the surgeon plays an important role in its prevention. Keywords: radiotherapy treatment, osteoradionecrosis, facial bones. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Consumo de psicotrópicos em meio a pandemia do Sars-CoV-2

Resumo: Introduction: The respiratory syndrome caused by the new Coronavirus caused several changes in the life of the world population, there was a need to adapt and change what was until then understood as “normal”. The lack of mental well-being triggered several negative effects on the daily life of the population, such as disorders, sleep disorders and psychological distress. It is necessary to address the medicalization of the population, one of the main mechanisms used to overcome psychological repercussions in a pandemic scenario such as that of covid-19. Thus, the aim of this study is to identify whether the pandemic of the new Coronavirus enabled a greater use of psychotropic during the period of isolation. Review: A search was conducted in the databases of the Virtual Health Library (VHL), Medline, LILACS, Scientific Eletronic Library Online (Scielo) and the Library of the Albert Einstein Institute, using keywords according to the purpose of the article. Discussion: Authors point out a greater correlation between the pandemic and the development of disorders such as anxiety and depression among young people and young adults, in addition to this, the increase in the sale of drugs such as antidepressants, anxiolytics and substances such as alcohol and illicit drugs stood out. Final considerations: The present study points to an increase in the use of psychotropic drugs among young people and adults, defining a correlation between the increase in disorders such as depression and anxiety and the use of substances as a way to minimize impacts caused by the pandemic. However, the need for more studies like this is reinforced, being crucial for the identification and verification of the consumption of drugs and other substances in this period among young people, and becoming another management tool against the repercussions caused by the coronavirus. Keywords: young adult, anxiety, COVID-19, depression, mental health. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo