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O papel da monitoria em fisiologia do exercício na formação profissional: relato de experiência
Introduction: Monitoring is a form of teaching that greatly contributes to the understanding and learning of students in their academic training. Objective to provide good development and improvement at a maximum level for performance in the specific modality. Material and methods: descriptive, of the experience report type, based on the experiences of a student monitor of the Exercise Physiology discipline taught in the higher education bachelor's course in Physical Education at a private higher education institution in the north of the state of Ceará. Results and discussion: experience and validity, the use of these materials made by students of the Exercise Physiology discipline can be considered, as an aid for learning the contents. Final considerations: it was possible to notice the improvement of students in the exercise physiology subject, through the grades given to them, especially those who were pending in the subject, who were able to recover their grades with the use of this material and with the help monitors and carrying out additional work that served for a better understanding.
Keywords: monitoring, exercise physiology, professional training.
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Avaliação do processo de monitoria da disciplina de cinesiologia nos dias atuais: relato de experiência
Introduction: Monitoring is a form of teaching that greatly contributes to the understanding and learning of students in their academic training. Academic monitoring seeks to assist in the teaching-learning process by providing a diversified environment, reinforcing contents seen in classes, so that students in training can better assimilate the knowledge that will be charged in partial assessments. Results and discussion: As a result, the knowledge and skills acquired with the guiding teacher and monitored students are integrated with the intellectual and social load of the student monitor, revealing new horizons and academic perspectives. Monitoring in higher education, in addition to enriching the monitor's academic training, promotes experiences that provide the monitor student with personal and professional growth. Experience is necessary for the construction of a quality teaching-learning process.
Keywords: evaluation, monitoring, kinesiology.
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Desafios enfrentados por cuidadores de idosos: uma revisão integrativa
Introduction: Caregivers are essential components for the health area, especially in chronic situations. The present study aimed to recognize the elements that cause overload in the elderly caregiver, evaluating the articles from the years 2015-2020. Review: In methodological terms, an integrative review was carried out through a bibliographic survey that took place at the Virtual Health Library (VHL), accessing the LILACS and portal and SciELO databases, and selecting 10 articles. Discussion: Among the results, there was evidence that the patient-caregiver relationship should be based on planning that considers the health of care, and that overload can be avoided when better compensation for the services provided and relay with other caregivers. Final considerations: It was concluded that the causes of burden on caregivers, predominantly, are that of the context of a greater degree of dependence on the elderly, followed by other factors such as the socioeconomic profile and the quality of health of caregiver.
Keywords: caregivers, elderly, overload.
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Relato de Caso Clínico: Atendimento Pré Hospitalar (APH) a Hemorragia Exsanguinante relacionada a Trauma Crânio Encefálico (TCE)
Introduction: Unusual traumas are considered accidents that health care services prefer to name random and unavoidable traumatic injuries. Case Report: Basic Support Unit (BSSU) was called at 5:00 pm to attend to a male patient, approximately 30 years old, with head injury, with signs of intoxication, victim of falling from his own height. The basic ambulance was manned by the nursing technician and the first-aid nurse, accompanied by the Pre-Hospital Care (PHC) Resident (R1) and the first-aid driver. Discussion: Traumatic brain injury is an aggression of external cause that causes injuries involving the skull scalp, brain, central nervous system and a process that can last for days or weeks, but begins right at the moment of impact, with a combination of neurological damage, vascular insufficiency inflammatory effects.
Keywords: Pre-hospital care (PHC), Exsanguinating haemorrhage, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).
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Abstinência dos rituais fúnebres e seus impactos
Introduction: Dying has been part of the society since the origin and the rituals have accompanied this moment. The death has its meaning in every culture, however, along these last years, the pandemic has occupied a meaningful social place, at the thought that the world lives a collective mourning. Facing the problematics, it is observed that pandemic, besides causing physical impacts and abrupt changes, it also alters the funeral rituals. With that in mind, it occurs the question about the mental health of the bereaved in front of farewell privation like has always occurred. Besides the mass deaths, the abstinence from ritualized and accompanied goodbye is a question to be analyzed. Review: It is about a bibliographic review in which has been realized a research in books and indexed articles in digital platforms. Discussion: The death is universally known at the same way its nature is completely untouchable. Depending on in what culture the man is inserted, thinking and talking about death can generate chaos to those are close to. However, besides being an old subject, it’s totally unavoidable and of utmost importance for life. After all, it is understood a lot about the life observing how that culture faces death. Final considerations: The abstinence from funeral rituals disorganizes the process of mourning, and may develop in the bereaved a complicated bereavement, becoming relevant to think in other ways to ritualize the loss during pandemic scenario.
Keywords: death, mourning, rituals, impacts on mental health.
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Utilização de ácido valproico para redução da resistência do sorafenibe no tratamento de pacientes com hepatocarcinoma refratário
Introduction: Hepatocarcinoma is the most common type of liver tumor, with sorafenib, the first approved option approved by the United Stated Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for advanced disease. However, resistance to sorafenib has recently been reported, compromising its beneficial clinical results. Recent studies have shown that valproic acid could increase sorafenib antitumor activity in resistant hepatocarcinoma cells by modulating signaling pathways. The work aims to present the signaling pathways by which the association between sorafenib and valproic acid demonstrated positive results, thus reversing the resistance to sorafenib presented in patients with hepatocarcinoma. Review: The research was carried out based on searches in the Virtual Health Library (VHL) and Pubmed databases, with the keywords in English sorafenib, valproic acid, mechanisms of resistance and hepatocellular carcinoma, and their respective terms in Portuguese. The search period was from December 7, 2020 to February 7, 2021, and articles published between 2011 and 2021 were considered valid, using the inclusion and exclusion criteria, the abstract and introduction, resulting in 19 articles included in the research. Discussion and Final considerations: The evidence shows that the combined treatment between sorafenib and valproic acid can act in different signaling pathways in order to overcome drug resistance, but also inhibit the expression of genes related to hepatocarcinoma. However, even though valproic acid has been suggested as a possible adjuvant drug for the treatment of various types of cancers, the mechanism used in reversing the resistance of hepatocarcinoma cells is not clear, thus requiring further studies.
Keywords: valproic acid, hepatocellular carcinoma, mechanisms of resistance, sorafenib.
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Encefalite autolimitada na COVID-19: relato de um caso
Introduction: COVID-19 is a systemic infection with the new coronavirus (SARS-COV2), which appeared in China in 2019 and has been plaguing the world. Its contagion rate is high and has already caused millions of deaths on all continents. Although it is asymptomatic in most patients, many cases usually lead to severe acute respiratory syndrome. Neurological symptoms, especially headache, anosmia and mental confusion, are prominent, possibly due to direct involvement of brain structures or the peripheral nervous system. Cases of critical encephalitis have been reported in several countries. Memory loss seems to be a commom sequel. Case report: We describe the case of a young woman who presented epileptic seizures due to coronavirus infection, with changes in the cerebrospinal fluid and transient abnormalities in neuroimaging, evolving with spontaneous improvement. Discussion: Our findings suggest the existence of cases of post-covid encephalitis from autoimmune nature and benign evolution, a potentially underdiagnosed entity in the face of the most serious manifestations of the pandemic, and perhaps responsible for sequelae such as memory loss and anosmia.
Keywords: COVID-19, epileptic seizures, autoimmune encephalitis, pandemic.
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O impacto do Omega-3 no tratamento da leucemia em crianças e adolescentes
There are several types of neoplasms, and leukemias are the types that most affect children and adolescents. Affecting the bone marrow which is responsible for manufacturing blood formants. In Brazil, cancer represents the leading cause of death among children and adolescents aged between 1 and 19 years. This research is a literature review study and aimed to define the impact of omega-3 in the treatment of leukemia in children and adolescents. A literature review was carried out in the electronic databases PubMed and Scielo with articles published between 2009 and 2019. Studies show the importance of nutritional treatment with immunomodulators for patients with cancer, especially the use of omega-3 as a strategy to improve the clinical condition. The study results indistinctly that indistinctly considerable health benefits, including anti-inflammatory effects and antioxidant effects with the use of omega-3 fatty acids in cancer patients.
Keywords: Children, Adolescents, Acute myeloid leukemia, Immunological factors.
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Exercícios físicos de alto impacto e incontinência urinária em mulheres jovens: revisão integrativa da literatura
Introduction: Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is defined as the complaint of involuntary loss of urine through physical exertion, sneezing or coughing. The study aimed to understand a treatment for urinary incontinence related to high-impact exercise practice in young women. Method: A descriptive exploratory study was carried out, developed from the integrative review method. Scientific articles published between the period 2020 and 2021 were selected. Of the 88 approved studies, 10 met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. It was identified that the ages of the participants varied considerably, so that the average age of the participants ranged from 18 years old to 43 years old. The mean of the population per study was evaluated at 119.9 women per study analyzed. Review: The results collected were related to women who practiced physical activities, such as rhythmic gymnastics, CrossFit, BodyPump, including in the sample women who were in the process of resuming physical activities after delivery. It was not identified that high-impact physical activities are the direct cause of SUI. There was a correlation between women who practice physical activities with impact and the incidence of this type of incontinence. There are no conventional and fully indicated treatments for this pathology in female women who practice sports. Final considerations: The training of pelvic tissue muscle strengthening was reported in studies with promising rates for the control of SUI, with no known adverse effects, and may thus be for women who practice these activities.
Keywords: urinary incontinence, effort urinary incontinence, exercise, physical therapy specialty.
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Relevância da leitura da bula de medicamentos
Introduction: Information on medications is made available to users through the package inserts, accompanied by information that guides their proper use. Review: The methodology for preparing the study took place through bibliographic research of an exploratory nature, which is based on the collection of data that can describe the importance of the package leaflet, and its use and understanding among users through reading. Discussion: According to several authors studied, many users do not read the package inserts of the drugs they consume, being dependent only on the guidelines for the form of use made by health professionals. According to ANVISA's requirements, users need to have information regarding medications, and, in this case, the package insert, in addition to providing such information, brings legal specifications that guarantee this access to patients, providing clear and technical guidance through the packaging itself. Final considerations: In this way, it is concluded that the patient needs to read the medicine leaflet, as it facilitates self - medication, helping in well - being and improving the quality of life.
Keywords: medication, reading, package insert, medication legislation.
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Classificação das posições de terceiros molares inclusos e semi-inclusos: uma revisão de literatura
Introduction: Third molars are the last teeth that, according to the chronological scale of tooth eruption, emerge in the dental arch and are usually included or semi-included. Revision: There may be several causes for this phenomenon, either by bone topography, lack of space in the arch or by the position of the second molar. The teeth most likely to be found included are the upper and lower third molars and then the upper canines. Discussion: An impacted tooth is one whose eruption has not occurred at the expected time according to the eruption chronology of permanent teeth. Final Considerations: With this in mind, this article presents the main classifications of the positions of retained third molars and the frequency in which they are most commonly found.
Keywords: Winter's classification, Pell and Gregory's classification, included third molars, etiology and prevalence of included teeth.
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Humanização no atendimento odontológico
Introduction: Dental practices play an important role with regard to the daily procedures that Dental Surgeons perform on each patient, and also the fundamental role they play in the humanized work that each one performs, in the face of each service performed on knowledge acquired during their academic training. The objective this study seeks to investigate the knowledge that underlies humanization practices in dental care. Material and methods: This study had a quantitative-qualitative approach, seeking to explore the humanized practices used in dental care. Data collection was carried out through a questionnaire with open and closed standard questions for practicing dentists, in order to identify how their practices in dental care are humanized. Results and discussion: Understanding of the National Humanization Policy 84.6% of the participants said they know, and 62% of these obtained such knowledge about the National Humanization Policy (PNH) during their academic training period. When asked about their understanding of what humanization in health is, 8.69% of the participants associated humanization with broader issues, such as the Unified Health System (SUS), 30.43% associated this practice with considering the patient for complete, unique and individualized and 8.69% related to empathy. Regarding the average consultation time, 76.9% perform their consultations in an average time of 20 to 40 minutes and 23.1% perform their consultations with a time over 40 minutes, as described in graph 4 below. Final considerations: However, it is extremely important that humanization is evidenced in the course of dental care by Dental Surgeons, so that it is applied according to daily practices in each patient.
Keywords: empathy, humanization of assistance, dentistry.
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Osteorradionecrose: como tratar?
Osteoradionecrosis is one of the most serious complications of radiotherapy, which is used for the treatment of head and neck neoplasms. It is a disease in which the irradiated bone becomes devitalized and exposed through the loss of skin and mucosa integrity, persisting without scarring. Review: Facial osteoradionecrosis affects the mandible in most cases, followed by the maxilla. The most important risk factors are the radiation dose used, the presence of periodontal diseases and tooth extractions. Clinical features for diagnosis include local pain, trismus, halitosis, bone exposure, secretion drainage, and fistulization to the skin or mucosa. Discussion: The most complex cases require surgical approach, with radical debridement of devitalized bone and soft tissue, associated with reconstruction. Among the existing options for mandible reconstruction, the most used are free flaps of bone tissue, such as the fibula, iliac crest, scapula and radial forearm flaps. As for the maxilla, the most used are the anterolateral thigh and radial forearm flaps. These are well-vascularized tissues, which provide adequate filling and coverage of the remaining defect. Final considerations: Osteoradionecrosis requires a complex and multidisciplinary treatment where the surgeon plays an important role in its prevention.
Keywords: radiotherapy treatment, osteoradionecrosis, facial bones.
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Consumo de psicotrópicos em meio a pandemia do Sars-CoV-2
Introduction: The respiratory syndrome caused by the new Coronavirus caused several changes in the life of the world population, there was a need to adapt and change what was until then understood as “normal”. The lack of mental well-being triggered several negative effects on the daily life of the population, such as disorders, sleep disorders and psychological distress. It is necessary to address the medicalization of the population, one of the main mechanisms used to overcome psychological repercussions in a pandemic scenario such as that of covid-19. Thus, the aim of this study is to identify whether the pandemic of the new Coronavirus enabled a greater use of psychotropic during the period of isolation. Review: A search was conducted in the databases of the Virtual Health Library (VHL), Medline, LILACS, Scientific Eletronic Library Online (Scielo) and the Library of the Albert Einstein Institute, using keywords according to the purpose of the article. Discussion: Authors point out a greater correlation between the pandemic and the development of disorders such as anxiety and depression among young people and young adults, in addition to this, the increase in the sale of drugs such as antidepressants, anxiolytics and substances such as alcohol and illicit drugs stood out. Final considerations: The present study points to an increase in the use of psychotropic drugs among young people and adults, defining a correlation between the increase in disorders such as depression and anxiety and the use of substances as a way to minimize impacts caused by the pandemic. However, the need for more studies like this is reinforced, being crucial for the identification and verification of the consumption of drugs and other substances in this period among young people, and becoming another management tool against the repercussions caused by the coronavirus.
Keywords: young adult, anxiety, COVID-19, depression, mental health.
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Uso de infiltrante resinoso (ICON) para tratamento de lesões de mancha branca
Introduction: The Resin Infiltrant (ICON) fills the microporosity of the white spot lesion body, by infiltrating a light-curing low viscosity resin, in order to camouflage white spots, improve aesthetics and prevent the progression of dental caries. Review: Morphological alterations of white spot, both pre-eruptive (fluorosis, amelogenesis imperfecta) and post-eruptive (caries lesion), cause dispersion of incident light rays, due to the difference in the refractive index of hydroxyapatite and of air, which fills the demineralized pores and results in this unsightly optical effect. However, the resinous infiltrant ICON, which through capillary forces is transported in the porosities of the enamel, where it fills the empty spaces, and after its polymerization, blocks the diffusion pathways for cariogenic acids and dissolved minerals, which provides paralysis and alteration of the light scattering by the refractive index (RI) of the resin, resembling the existing healthy enamel, that is, camouflaging the white spot. Discussion: The esthetic function, mimicry of the white spot lesion, pigmentation susceptibility and functional microhardness of the enamel are directly related to the depth and extension of the lesions, considering that its roughness is acceptable. Final considerations: The resinous infiltrate (ICON) camouflages superficial white spot lesions, increases enamel microhardness and paralyzes carious activity.
Keywords: dental enamel, resinous infiltrate, white spot.
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Incidência de diagnósticos de transtorno de personalidade: avaliação de adolescentes em acolhimento institucional identificados no serviço
Introduction: the institutional care of adolescents under the protective measure of justice brings in its history adolescents in situations of social vulnerability who are placed in temporary shelter, in order to guarantee their basic rights, to later reintegrate them into nuclear, extended families or substitute. Objective: The objective of the research is to analyze the incidence of personality disorder diagnoses identified in the service. Materials and methods: This is a documentary, descriptive study, with a bibliographic survey on the subject and a qualitative approach. The research subjects were the initial documents for admission of the adolescents to a shelter unit and for the bibliographical research, the Scientific Electronic Library Online (Scielo) and Virtual Health Library (BVS) databases were used for the period 2010 to 2020. Results and Discussions: The results were 50 sheets with diagnoses for conduct disorder and oppositional defiant disorder. Final considerations: It is concluded that the incidence of personality disorders is high, more evident for oppositional defiant disorder, and higher in males.
Keywords: conduct disorder, personality disorder, sheltered youth, institutionalized child, foster home care.
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Acompanhamento farmacoterapêutico em pacientes com doença renal crônica
Background: Health professionals, in recent decades, have directed greater attention to chronic diseases, since these diseases are responsible for a significant portion of the morbidity of the world population, affecting from young people to the elderly. Currently, the main treatments available for end-stage renal disease are: automated peritoneal dialysis, hemodialysis, continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis, intermittent peritoneal dialysis and kidney transplantation. Such treatments partially exert the renal function, alleviating disease symptoms and preserving the patient's life, without generating a cure. Chronic kidney patients use several drugs concomitantly, which, associated with changes in the glomerular filtration rate, multiple comorbidities and age, increase the risk of drug interactions. Objective: The aim of the present study is the pharmacotherapeutic follow-up of patients with chronic kidney disease, aiming at improving their quality of life in this population, which, due to the practice of polypharmacy and the presence of various diseases, usually has their quality of life reduced. Methods: Data present in the patient's medical record and the SOAP (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan) allowed the collection and organization of patient data, the identification of problems related to pharmacotherapy, the elaboration of a care plan together with the patient and put an end to individual follow-up of the patient. Results: Of the 5 patients interviewed, in 1 there was no drug interaction, however, 4 had drug interactions, referring to their pharmacological treatment, totaling 12 interactions, with 6 (50%) severe interactions, 5 (41.67%) moderate and 1 (8 .33%) light. Conclusions: This research allowed to carry out pharmacotherapeutic monitoring in chronic kidney patients, who, due to their condition, have prescription restrictions of different therapeutic classes that can generate adverse effects in relation to renal function and age, resulting in polypharmacy and DRPs.
Keywords: kidney disease, pharmacist, interactions.
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O papel do farmacêutico no controle do uso racional de antimicrobianos em drogarias
Introduction: The ability of bacterial resistance to antibiotics is characterized as the possibility of a bacterium to survive in concentrations of antibiotics that inhibit others of the same species. Review: This study is a literature review based on the synthesis of the main studies published in LILACS and MEDLINE that are part of the Virtual Health Library – VHL collection database. The increase in pathogenic microorganisms that resist antimicrobials due to their infectious potential is increasingly progressive. Once the antimicrobial is prescribed by the responsible physician, the pharmacist is responsible for instructing the administration of the same, which will provide greater safety and efficiency during the patient's treatment. Discussion: To reduce the incidence of antibiotic resistance due to inappropriate use, it is important that the patient has adequate information, especially with regard to not using self-medication. Final considerations: The pharmaceutical action is important in the correct orientation of antimicrobials, being a great challenge. It is essential that you actively participate in the use of medications and provide the patient with the necessary information about antibiotic therapy.
Keywords: antimicrobials, resistance, pharmaceutical.
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A percepção da enfermagem frente as urgências e emergências oncológicas: uma revisão integrativa
Introduction: Oncologic emergency is understood as a condition that happens in an unpredictable way caused by cancer, its treatment or a new condition associated or not with the disease. Objectives: To analyze the main oncological urgencies and emergencies and the importance of the agility of nursing professionals in their care. Methodology: This is an integrative literature review. The bibliographic survey took place in February 2021 on the following digital platforms: PUBMED, LILACS and SCIELO. Review and discussions: 10 studies were selected, where 04 were discarded for not corresponding to the theme addressed in the search protocol. In all studies, the importance of emergency oncology services and the training of professionals in patient care, aiming at the client's survival, was observed. Final considerations: Through the search for studies, it can be seen that it is necessary to explore the topic by the research centers, since the subject is scarce in digital platforms.
Keywords: emergencies, nursing, oncology, emergency.
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Propriedades medicinais da Mauritia flexuosa
Introduction: The present work is about deepening the knowledge about the medicinal properties of Mauritia Flexuosa, spreading the benefits of extracting the buriti pulp regarding the healing process, inhibiting antibacterial activities, photoprotective to UV radiation and being a supplement rich for supplementation in people with Diabetes mellitus. For the construction of this work, a bibliographic survey of an exploratory nature was used, which is based on the survey of secondary scientific data and the systematization of information, and inserted in the Scielo, Pubmed and Google Scholar databases. Review: the oil obtained from the extraction of the buriti pulp when used alone does not have antibacterial activity against multidrug-resistant strains, but associated with the use of drugs with antibiotic properties potentiates the inhibitory action. Acting as a vehicle for enhancing and transporting antioxidants to prevent damage caused by UV radiation, it is a natural antioxidant capable of slowing the oxidation processes of normal physiological functions, reducing the risk of various diseases, such as DM. There is a need for incentives and the intensification of clinical studies focused on research to improve Buriti's health benefits. Discussion: Mauritia flexuosa L. f. it is part of the Arecaceae family, one of the palm trees with a large distribution index in the national territory, it is considered the symbol palm of the cerrado. One of the main chemical constituents are natural antioxidants that form vitamin E, tocopherols. It can be said that in the oil obtained from the pulp of the fruits of the genus Mauritia flexuosa there are substances that promote benefits in the healing process, Mauritia flexuosa does not show antibacterial activity against very resistant strains when used alone, but when associated with antibiotics, there was potentiation of the action of some drugs, considered as a potentiating vehicle and carrier of antioxidants to prevent damage caused by UV radiation, precisely because it has photo protective properties, which helps in the recovery of the epidermis after sun exposure, that nutrition with buriti flour promoted a reduction of oxidative damage to biomolecules. Final considerations: Through this research it was possible to elucidate that Mauritia Flexuosa has a curative capacity when used in conjunction with specific drugs, thus having a great potential benefit when used correctly.
Keywords: Buriti, Mauritia flexuosa, medicinal plants, Cerrado, pharmacology.
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A importância do farmacêutico na prevenção de intoxicações medicamentosas – uma revisão integrativa
Introduction: Medicines are among the main causes of intoxication identified by the Toxicological Information and Assistance Centers, occupying the first position among the agents that cause intoxication in Brazil since 1994. The pharmacist must focus on prevention, and its function is to identify and solve problems related to medications, guiding the patient on drug interactions and also on toxicity. Thus, this research aims to raise publications that show the importance of the pharmacist in the prevention of drug intoxications. Review: This is an exploratory bibliographic review, organized in an integrative literature review. The data survey comes from scientific productions published from 2018 to 2021, in Portuguese, indexed in the databases of MEDLINE-PUBMED, LILACS, SCIELO and the Ministry of Health's electronic address. Discussion: Suicide attempt prevails as the main cause of drug poisoning in the country. The fragile regulation of advertising about medicines and the ease in acquiring drugs without a medical or pharmaceutical prescription are among the causes that contribute to intoxications. The northern region has the lowest number of drug poisoning notifications in Brazil, and Tocantins is the state with the highest amount of drug poisoning in the northern region. From 2016 to 2020, 714 intoxications by toxic agents were registered, of these, about 44% of the grand total, were caused by drugs in Tocantins. Final considerations: The findings of this research proved the importance of the pharmacist in dispensing medications and in pharmacotherapeutic follow-up, as this professional can guarantee the quality and effectiveness of medications in the treatment, thus avoiding side effects, drug interactions and even toxic syndromes.
Keywords: pharmaceutical attention, drug intoxication, exogenous intoxication.
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Índices hematimétricos associado as parasitoses intestinais no Município de Breves, Ilha do Marajó, Pará
Introduction: Intestinal parasites, especially in underdeveloped countries, constitute a major health problem, which are caused by protozoa and helminths resulting from inadequate socio-sanitary conditions in which the population is inserted. Objective: To identify the incidence of intestinal parasites and their relationship with anemia in a population of Bairro Jardim Tropical, Breves - PA. Material and Methods: Cross-sectional study performed through stool examinations by direct and Hoffman methods, structured questionnaire, and blood collection for hematological analysis, being collected from 83 samples of local residents. Results: The study showed 30.1% (25/83) of the samples collected with blood counts suggestive of anemia. The results showed a positivity of 75.6% (63/83), with the majority of infected females being 65% (41/63), against 34.9% (22/63) of males. Regarding the intensity of infections, polyparasitism 73% (46/63) prevailed compared to monoparasitism 26.9% (17/63). Additionally, a higher incidence of protozoa than helminths was observed, with pathogenic protozoa as etiological agents: Entamoeba histolytica/ E. dispar 46% (29/63) and Giardia intestinalis 7.9% (5/63). For helminths, the highest incidence was Trichuris Trichiura 31.7% (20/63), followed by Ascaris lumbricoides 20.6% (13/63). Furthermore, a high incidence of non-pathogenic protozoa was found, such as: Entamoeba coli, Endolimax nana, Iodamoeba butschlii and Blastocistis hominis. Final considerations: The results reinforce the need to implement effective public policies, aimed at guaranteeing quality basic sanitation to the population.
Keywords: anemia, Amazon, enteroparasites, ribeirinho, basic sanitation.
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Assistência farmacêutica em unidades hospitalares em tempos de pandemia – uma revisão integrativa
Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic imposed on hospital pharmacists the need to plan and organize a response to the challenges brought about by the disease. Pharmacists exercise fundamental activities in the context of the pandemic, either through the supply of medicines or the provision of pharmaceutical services. Managing pharmacies, hospitals or community, in times of SARS-CoV-2 is a new challenge. The hospital pharmacy has been facing several challenges in the face of the pandemic scenario and, in order to continue offering a quality service to the population, it was necessary to adopt coping strategies and adapt their activities. Thus, this research aims to highlight the importance of pharmacists and pharmacies within hospital units, considering the specificities of the pandemic of COVID-19. Review: This is an exploratory bibliographic review, through an integrative review. The collection of scientific data and the systematization of information come from scientific productions published from 2018 to 2021, in Portuguese, indexed in the database of the BVS, LILACS and SCIELO. Discussion: Hospital pharmacists had to restructure the service in response to COVID-19, considering the need to protect the teams, so that there is no compromise in the care activity and support for medical action and, simultaneously, provide an effective response to the new reality, not neglecting the component of reviewing and monitoring the use of health technologies and active pharmacovigilance of drugs used in the treatment of COVID-19. Final Remarks: It was found that the concept of hospital pharmacy goes beyond a sector of custody of medicines, being a department that adds value to other sectors of the hospital. Thus, the research findings allowed us to conclude that pharmacists, when working in hospital pharmacies, can collaborate with the multiprofessional health team, monitoring the use of medicines and the clinical evolution of patients, since the off-label use of medicines is a current reality that can cause serious damage to the health of individuals.
Keywords: pharmaceutical assistance, pharmacist, hospital pharmacy, pandemic.
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Farmacoterapia da trombose arterial
Introduction: To present the therapeutic effects of warfarin in the treatment of arterial thrombosis and its medicinal and dietary changes. Review: This is a descriptive study, systematic literature review, through the search of electronic databases such as PubMed, Google Scholar, SciELO. The search was guided by indexing descriptors such as pharmacotherapy, arterial thrombosis, warfarin, thrombotic events, using databases from the Virtual Health Library. Discussion: The present study was carried out through a literature review to demonstrate the effect of warfarin in the treatment of arterial thrombosis, as a possible alternative anticoagulant therapy in comparison to the new oral anticoagulant drugs. Discussion: More than 200 drug and food interactions have been identified with the use of warfarin, which may enhance or decrease its effect. Thus, warfarin proved to be effective, with the advantages of being a drug that is easy to administer, low cost, besides allowing the control and monitoring of dosage according to the needs of each patient, however, the disadvantages of using warfarin about the new anticoagulants they are: Unpredictable and individual pharmacokinetics, dietary restrictions, need for frequent monitoring of INR, slow onset and compensation, long half-life. Final Considerations: As shown in this study, warfarin is an effective anticoagulant drug and more prescribed in clinical practice. arterial thrombosis pharmacotherapy
Keywords: bioavailability, bioequivalence, generic drugs.
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O paciente com câncer, cognições e emoções oriundas da dor: uma revisão literária a partir de uma perspectiva psicológica
Introduction: Oncology psychology has as its main characteristic the study of emotional actions based on oncology, aiming at providing care not only to the patient but also to their family nucleus, considering the awakening of the patient's emotions and helping this area of expertise. Review and discussion: This study corroborates the understanding of national research that address the psychological suffering of cancer as well as the emotions developed in the face of treatment, defining the characteristics of pain in this context and observing how the patient defines the stages experienced by him, understanding pain as an aspect emotional and not just physical. Final considerations: Based on these aspects, we present the incidence and prevalence of cancer, characterizing issues related to pain and its impacts in relation to neural and emotional issues, thus contributing to the development of assertive practices with regard to cancer patients, broadening the vision for the subject and its demands.
Keywords: oncology, psychology, cancer.
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Riscos do uso indiscriminado de AINES em idosos
Introduction: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are among the most prescribed and marketed drugs worldwide. The increase in the number of chronic diseases in the elderly is considered one of the main diseases of the aging process, and because of this the consumption of medicines has also increased in this age group. A study conducted in several Brazilian cities shows that an average of 70-90% in this age group use medications continuously, with an average of two to five medications per person. Review: The present study is a bibliographical survey of an exploratory nature, based on the survey of secondary scientific data and the systematization of information. From databases such as SCIELO, MEDLINE, PUBMED, PUBSAUDE, Manuals of the Ministry of Health, using as cut-off date the last 20 years (2000-2020). Studies published in Spanish, Portuguese and English were considered suitable. Studies not dealing with the subject, about the elderly, self-medication or anti-inflammatory drugs, studies in other languages, or studies prior to the cut-off date were excluded from the search. Discussion: NSAIDs should be prescribed with more caution and specific orientation for each individual patient, specifically the older ones. Even with all its quality and effectiveness in the treatment of pain and inflammation of chronic diseases. The sale of this class of drugs needs to be more restricted, and the easy access to this class in drugstores contributes to indiscriminate use and the worsening of the general health condition of the elderly, who already have some disease in their clinical diagnosis, contributing to possible drug interactions. Final considerations: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can cause several risks to the patient's health if not used correctly. It is necessary to pay special attention to the dispensation and orientation of the elderly patient on the correct use of the drug and possible interventions with other methods to treat their diseases
Keywords: anti-inflammatorium, idoses, indiscriminated use, health risks, adverse reactions.
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