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Saúde mental da mulher em um contexto de violência doméstica e familiar

Resumo: We aim to analyze the woman in a context of domestic and family violence, verifying the extent to which the violence suffered by her causes mental health problems, described by discouragement, agony and fear, as well as the determinants that lead the woman to remain in this relationship. violent. We opted for a qualitative research, observational and descriptive, whose object of study are the narratives of eight women who suffered and suffer psychological violence and who are already compromised in their mental health, with psychiatric and emotional consequences. The interviews took place with women victims of domestic and family violence, in the city of Teresina-PI, in 2018. For the analysis of the narratives, we considered two categories: the woman who suffers and lives with the aggressor and the woman victim who denounces the aggressor. We approach as a theoretical reference some reflections about the Maria da Penha Law, its objectives, effectiveness or flaws in its applicability, emphasizing the positioning of scholars. We found, with this study, that women are not always able to denounce the aggressor, given the situation of violence and fear in which she is inserted. A large portion of the interviewees claimed states of discouragement, agony and fear as the psychological and psychiatric consequences of this type of violence, causing them mental health problems. Keywords: health, domestic and family violence, women, psychological consequences, Maria da Penha Law. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

A pandemia de COVID-19 e os impactos na saúde pública do estado do Rio de Janeiro

Resumo: Introduction: The new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, which causes COVID-19 disease, has a variable clinical spectrum, which can cause asymptomatic and oligosymptomatic infections, but which may evolve requiring hospital care and even ventilatory support. Thus, the study aims to describe by means of indicators the impact of the pandemic on the availability of hospital beds in the municipalities of the State of Rio de Janeiro. Material and methods: A cross-sectional spatial ecological study was carried out, with a quantitative approach. The data were based on epidemiological bulletins for monitoring cases of COVID-19 in the municipalities of the State of Rio de Janeiro, for the period from March 1 to June 13, 2020, where 9 health regions covering 92 municipalities were analyzed of State. Results and discussion: It was observed that the region with the highest incidence, equivalent to 3,47/100.000 population, corresponds to the Baixada Litorânea region, however considering the absolute population the largest number of cases occurred in Metropolitan I, with 197,445, being 144,199 in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro. In addition to the descriptive analysis, Pearson's correlation was calculated and the result was 0.98, at the 5% level, which confirms that the correlation value is significant. Final considerations: It is evident that the State should intensify educational policies that seek to raise the population's awareness of how to spread the virus and expand strategies for rapid virus identification, isolation and early treatment, due to the lack of availability hospitalization beds to attend all cases of COVID that evolve with complications. Keywords: COVID-19, beds, public policies, health. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Estudo da eficiência antibacteriana de preparações caseiras de Acmella ciliata (Kunth) Cass., Lippia origanoides kunth, Punica granatum L. e Hymenaea courbaril in vitro sobre bactérias patógenas humanas

Resumo: Introdution: Use of plant species is an ancient technique of treatment for the most diverse diseases. First records date from around 2500 BC in China, and are still being the biggest sources of therapeutic resources in many communities around the world. This fact has been consolidated due the wide range of species existing and their easy access, in addition to the low cost and practicality. Objective: Evaluate the antibacterial potential of some home preparations (infusion) intended for therapeutic use, and the possibility of improvement of the improvement of the use and applicability in order to make them more effective. Material and methods: The present research was carried out in vitro using different concentrations of aqueous extracts of Acmella ciliata (Kunth) Cass., Lippia origanoides kunth, Punica granatum L. and Hymenaea courbaril, obtained by infusion using crude extract (100%) and Diluted 80%, 60%, 40% and 20% on diffusion discs on pathogenic respiratory tract strains: K. pneumonia, P. aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus. Results and discussion: The extracts 100%, 80% and 60% of Punica granatum L. presented halo formation against the three pathogens mentioned, evidencing larger diameters of halo in S. aureus. The extracts of Lippia origanoides kunth and Hymenaea courbaril L. showed formation of halo only in 100% and 80%. The home preparations (teas) did not demonstrate activity detectable by the method used. Final considerations: The results presented for the aqueous extracts of the barks of Punica granatum L. demonstrate a promising natural antibacterial potential of alternative use against the three pathogens analyzed, considering the control of the conditions of extraction and storage of the aqueous extract. Keywords: antibacterial activity, aqueous extract, Punica granatum, Pathogenic bacteria. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Desmame difícil e decanulação tardia de pacientes traqueostomizados vítimas de traumas num hospital de referência na Região Norte

Resumo: Background: Tracheostomy can be performed as a preventive, curative, palliative or elective action, ist indication often happens due to failure in extubation, despite its benefits when it comes to respiratory comfort, there are also long-term harms, regarding changes that directly reflect on the swallowing and speech functions. Objective: This research aimed to analyze the process of difficult weaning and late decannulation in tracheostomized patients victims of trauma, looking for ways and analyzing what makes weaning difficult and late and how to improve this process. Methods: A descriptive-analogical, retrospective and quantitative study was conducted, with analysis of 40 medical records, from the first semester of 2018, with patients over 18 years of age classified as difficult weaning and late decannulation. For data collection, an instrument was used containing information about the functional diagnosis and related to weaning and decannulation. Results: Most of the patients undergoing tracheostomy classified as late weaning are men, victims of motorcycle accidents or physical aggressions that evolved with traumatic brain injury, and had an average of 10 to 11 days of orotracheal intubation, which was of great impact for the period prolonged tracheostomy. Conclusions: It was concluded that the patients who had had a speech therapy follow-up since the period of invasive mechanical ventilation with IOT about to extubate had shorter weaning time from the tracheostomy, compared with the patients who were only followed up after the tracheostomy. Keywords: weaning, speech therapy, tracheostomy. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Vivências de crianças e/ou adolescentes que esperam por adoção tardia

Resumo: Introduction: Adoption has always been considered complex with regard to the fact that most of the time it happens to solve the couple's infertility problem, and it is still not the first choice made by them, who before resort to clinical procedures in an attempt to realize the dream of motherhood / paternity. Material and methods: This research aims to analyze the experiences of children and / or adolescents who are waiting for adoption. A qualitative, descriptive and exploratory research was carried out with a case study design. The sample used in this research was composed of two children over seven years old waiting for adoption, the instrument used was a semi-structured interview containing seven questions and the data analyzed through content analysis. Results and discussions: Most children and adolescents seem to be aware of the reasons that caused them to be removed from their biological families, and placed in institutional settings, however, it is often in the shelter that they receive the attention and care that they did not have. in their families of origin, making institutionalization a better experience. Considerations: For children and / or teenagers who are in the shelter, adoption is a way to build or in some cases reconstruct many things, including their history, their interior that may have been shattered by those who had a duty to cherish for their well-being, but who did not do so, chance to really know what a family is, to receive a love that will not hurt them. Keywords: children, adolescents, institutionalization, adoption. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Acidentes de trânsito na cidade de Maringá-PR em 2019: reflexões para além dos números

Resumo: Introduction: The number of victims, as well as the public resources that are lost. Objective: Given this fact, this work aims to identify, analyze and characterize the traffic accidents that occurred in 2019 in the city of Maringá-Paraná, served by the Fire Department of Paraná. Exploring the number of accidents attended by this century-old institution, assessing the frequency and incidence of accidents and, thus, seeking solutions to help reduce them in the future. Methods: For the development of this article, bibliographic research was used, as well as data obtained from the records of daily occurrences used by the Paraná Fire Department, after prior authorization from the unit commander. Conclusions: This study highlights the fact that most accidents could have been avoided if the driver adopted a more passive behavior. Driving defensively, not drinking alcohol before driving vehicles, are just some of the essential attitudes to reduce these high rates. Keywords: traffic accidents, causes, prevention, vehicles, victims. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Efeitos da terapia com a expansão rápida maxilar na síndrome da apneia obstrutiva do sono

Resumo: Obstructive sleep apnea and maxillary atresias are increasingly discussed, as there is a causal relationship between them, and the proposed treatment is by means of rapid maxillary expansion, being of great importance to analyze early. The objective is to manifest the effects of the expansion in the correction of atresias and crossbites with a consequent improvement in the signs and symptoms of the apnea syndrome and in the quality of life. The preliminary exploratory study included selecting articles from databases such as Pubmed, Scielo, Cpaps, Pediatrics, Science direct, Archives of Healts, in addition to conclusion work and the Google platform. Craniofacial abnormalities can predispose to OSAS, due to the reduction of air space that makes breathing difficult, in addition to insufficient space for the tongue, which results in inadequate craniofacial growth, this is justified by the close relationship between the oral cavity and the respiratory system, and with these characteristics it is possible to identify clinical signs such as snoring and to wake up with a dry mouth frequently, by sleeping with your mouth open. We concluded with the expansion, that the opening of the medial palatal suture displaces the walls of the cavity, increasing the volume and decreasing its resistance, thereby facilitating the passage of air through the nose and improving the position of the tongue, that is, there is an improvement in the signs and symptoms and quality of life in mild to moderate cases, requiring further study in severe cases and in which the growth spurt has already been overcome. Keywords: rapid maxillary expansion, obstructive sleep apnea, orthodontics, sleep quality. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Atuação dos auditores internos em organizações de saúde no Poder Executivo Federal Brasileiro

Resumo: The article analyzes the alignment of the performance of the internal auditor with international standards, namely the statements of positioning of the internal audit, of the Institute of Internal Auditors - IIA. The materials and methods were the international standards for risk management, for governance models and for internal auditing, the Brazilian federal legislation regarding risk management and the reading and analysis of published research on the performance of internal auditing. The methodological procedures were carried out through bibliographic research and empirical data collection, through semi-structured interviews and recorded in audio. As a result of the collection of bibliographic and empirical data, it was possible to understand the internal audit practices in Brazilian federal entities in the area of health. Finally, we consider, based on international norms, bibliographic review and empirical studies, that the functions performed by the internal audit, according to the participants' perception, are aligned with the applicable international norms and standards. Keywords: public, health, auditor, internal, management, risk. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Prevalência de Gardnerella vaginalis em mulheres atendidas em uma Unidade Básica de Saúde no município de Macapá- AP

Resumo: Abstract: Introduction: Gardnerella vaginalis is a bacterium in the vaginal microbiota of sexually active women, however, in disturbing situations such as stress, infections, pregnancy and IUD use, it can show an excessive multiplication, generating an overpopulation resulting in a condition called bacterial vaginosis. Objective: To address the main epidemiological and clinical aspects of bacterial vaginosis caused by Gardnarella vaginalis in women treated at a Basic Health Unit in the municipality of Macapá-AP in the period of 2018. Material and methods: This is a descriptive study with a quantitative approach in which secondary data obtained from the reports of routine vaginal secretion exams from January 2018 to December 2018 were used, at the Municipal Laboratory of the Basic Health Unit of Macapá-AP. The collected information was transferred to a spreadsheet in the Microsoft Excel 2016, where the results were calculated and tabulated. Results and discussion: Patients with or without symptoms, aged 18 to 56 years, were included, Gardnerella vaginalis was observed in 133 women from 524 exams, in which it can be concluded that the age group where there was a higher index of cases was between 18 to 30 years old. Final considerations: This study aims to discuss the bacteria Gardnerella vaginalis, which is shown to be a prevalent disease among women. Thus, G. vaginalis is one of the main microorganisms that cause bacterial vaginosis that use as a door, women susceptible to this contamination. Keywords: bacterial vaginosis, Gardnerella vaginalis, "Clue cells". Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Medindo a satisfação dos estudantes em relação ao curso introdutório de cuidados em feridas ofertado pela liga de feridas e curativos – LAFEC

Resumo: The aim of this study is to analyze the level of quality and satisfaction of participants in a course offered by the Academic League of Wounds and Dressings in the municipality of Marabá, state of Pará, with the theme: prevention and treatment of wounds carried out on April 18, 2019 at the Faculty of Carajás. This is a qualitative-quantitative, descriptive, analytical study, using Likert-type quality measurement scales, with the structuring of five option scores, with “1” being less satisfied, “3” for impartiality showing no opinion on the question asked and “5” for the highest satisfaction index, using a 95% confidence level of acceptance for the collected sample. For the construction of the questionnaire, issues of relevance and relevance of the subjects were identified to understand the aspects of quality and satisfaction in general of the participants, data such as sex, age, educational institution, academic training and professional occupation helped in the understanding of the public studied. Sample obtained totaled 42 responses, from 142 participants, representing about 29.58% of the total participants. The collected results demonstrate satisfactory measurement for evaluating the quality and satisfaction of individual and general aspects of the course, fulfilling the minimum requirements for measuring quality and satisfaction using the scales used, reaching the 95% confidence level of the entire sample analyzed. Keywords: health education, quality control, academic leagues, personal satisfaction, academies and institutes. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Efetividade do tratamento odontológico preventivo em pacientes com fissuras labiopalatinas no ambulatório de odontopediatria do hospital geral de Cuiabá – MT

Rumores e condutas coletivas na pandemia: a teoria do complô sobre a origem da COVID-19

Factors that influence the choice and consumption of raw foods

Resumo: Comer é uma atividade básica para obter energia e nutrição necessárias para a vida. Ao mastigar, o alimento é quebrado pelos dentes e dissolvido pela saliva. As doenças transmitidas por alimentos aumentaram nos últimos anos, com maior impacto na saúde e na economia dos países em desenvolvimento do que nos países desenvolvidos. Durante a mastigação, você terá sabor, sabor e textura e ajudará a adicionar uma sensação de comida. Alimentos não cozidos são um componente integral da nutrição humana e são uma condição prévia necessária para um sistema imunológico intacto. Bancos de dados como MEDLINE / Pubmed, Scielo e Google Scholar foram consultados. O objetivo deste trabalho é expor as vantagens e as precauções necessárias para o consumo de alimentos crus pelos seres humanos. Os perigos do consumo de alimentos crus são reconhecidos, pois a intoxicação alimentar é o maior fator de risco para a saúde, portanto, o presente estudo revela os fatores e a segurança para o consumo de alimentos crus. Palavras-chave: alimentos crus, microbiologia, saúde. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Ocorrência da tuberculose em profissionais da Saúde entre os anos 2014 e 2018 no Amapá

Resumo: Background: Studies indicate that health professionals are highly exposed to the risk of infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which causes tuberculosis. In the state of Amapá, there are still no studies specifically targeting tuberculosis in healthcare professionals. Objective: Survey on the occurrence of tuberculosis in health professionals in the state of Amapá between the years 2014 and 2018. Material and methods: It is a descriptive study with a quantitative approach in which secondary data obtained from the Notifiable Diseases Information System (SINAN) through the State Health Surveillance Superintendence (SVS) were used. The collected information was transferred to a spreadsheet in the Microsoft Excel 2010 application and then to the Tabwin program version 4.1.5, where the results were calculated and tabulated. Results and discussion: 28 cases of tuberculosis in health professionals were diagnosed between 2014 and 2018 in the state. The municipality of Macapá recorded the highest number of cases (85.7%), the predominant form was pulmonary (90%), female (68%) and brown race (68%) were more affected and the age group from 20 to 29 presented the highest number of cases. Conclusion: The importance of completeness in the data provided by SINAN and the importance of knowledge of the presence of tuberculosis in health professionals in the state are emphasized. Keywords: epidemiology, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, health personnel, Amazon region, public health, Tuberculosis. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Disfonia infantil: Análise dos distúrbios vocais em grupo de escolares

Resumo: Introduction: The voice has played a very important role in people's lives since childhood and only with good vocal health can effective communication be established. Objective: Cross-sectional study, carried out with schoolchildren and their respective parents, where data were collected through voice recording and analyzed using the RASATI Scale. Parents' perception of their child's voice was assessed using a questionnaire. Material and methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out with group of schoolchildren and their respective parents, where data were collected through voice recording and analyzed using the RASATI Scale. Parents' perception of their child's voice was assessed through a questionnaire. Results and discussion: The most common vocal quality was soprosity found in children (76.47%), followed by roughness (41.17%), hoarseness (35.29%) and tension (17.64%). Regarding the questionnaire, 44% of parents reported vocal alteration when their child became nervous, 52% when they cried a lot and 56% when they returned from school, parties or games. Of the good vocal habits, 92% reported drinking water, 88% sleeping well and 84% resting. And of bad vocal habits, 76% of parents considered talking loudly in noisy places, 60% breathing through the mouth, 52% coughing and 44% screaming. Conclusion: Parents perceive the vocal changes that their children present and seek alternatives for improvement, but they do not know how to identify healthy or harmful habits. Thus, we note the importance of parents' guidance on the vocal care of children. Keywords: voice, voice quality, voice disorders, child, child behavior. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

O marco sanitário na alimentação escolar: um estudo dos agricultores participantes do PNAE em Ladainha/MG

Resumo: This work presents part of the studies related to the Master's thesis in Rural Studies at the Federal University of Vales do Jequitinhonha and Mucuri (UFVJM). The methodology adopted was Content Analysis of interviews conducted with family farmers participating in the National School Feeding Program (PNAE) in the municipality of Ladainha MG. We seek to reflect on the challenges pointed out by farmers on the health adequacy of their production systems for commercialization with the PNAE, which, through Law No. 11,947 / 2009, determined the acquisition of foodstuffs produced by local family farming in school meals. Considering that this policy, in addition to guaranteeing food security in schools, encompasses the promotion of family farming, it was necessary for farmers to pay attention to the criteria set out in Resolution / RDC n ° 49/2013 that regulates the exercise of the activity of health interest of the individual microentrepreneur, rural family enterprise and economic solidarity enterprise. Such a resolution became effective in the scope of the PNAE from the year 2013, impacting farmers who already marketed to schools via PNAE since the year 2009 through Law No. 11,947. The present work aims to contribute to the discussion about the impacts that this health framework has been causing in the (non) participation of family farmers in the PNAE in Ladainha MG. Keywords: sanitation, family farming, food security, content analysis. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

A cultura e os hábitos familiares da prática de atividades físicas e as tendências à obesidade

Resumo: This research seeks, in an exploratory way, to evaluate the following question: are there relations between cultural aspects and family habits related to physical activities and tendencies to obesity in adulthood? The objective is to relate the habits and frequency of physical activities and the tendencies to obtain high levels of obesity in the current phase of the individual, assessed from the BMI (Body Mass Index). Specifically, it seeks to assess whether cultural aspects of families and habits over the life of the individual remain over time. Also, if this relationship between habits and other socioeconomic aspects influences the current condition, from the reference indicator. The research was carried out in 2019 and 2020 in the western region of Parana and uses a non-probabilistic sample, based on primary data. The data were processed with the SPSS software and descriptive statistics were used to evaluate the results. The main methodology, however, was the use of data crossing (crosstabs), evaluating the proposed relationships. The results show relationships between culture and habits throughout the individual’s life with their obesity situation based on the BMI estimate. Notably, the frequency of physical activities since childhood and their stay in adulthood, provide conditions for better health conditions, based on the established indicator. Relationships involving family income were not relevant in the process related to habits and culture related to exercises. The answers show that the frequency of activities also provides the perception of physical and mental well-being. From these results, it is proposed that the theme be in evidence in elementary education. Keywords: culture, family habits, physical activities. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

A importância da identificação precoce da sepse pela equipe de enfermagem no serviço de emergência

Resumo: Introduction: Sepsis is a syndrome caused by the individual's systemic inflammatory response, in an uncontrolled manner and of infectious origin. When the diagnosis is delayed, the clinical picture may become worse and, usually, the onset manifests itself with nonspecific and subtle alterations of vital signs such as tachycardia and tachypnea, later the symptomatology becomes more complex. Specific objective: to evaluate and to apply the protocol of sepsis of quickly and appropriately. Overall objective: To reduce mortality due to the disease with a quick action in the first care. Recognize early signs of Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS), sepsis, severe sepsis, and septic shock. Control the infectious focus. Ensure follow-up care. Rationale: because it is one of the diseases with the highest mortality rate. Despite being a common problem, worldwide and with devastating consequences, it is still one of the most serious public health problems. This is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach, based on a bibliographical review based on data from the Virtual Health Library (VHL). It is concluded that the knowledge about sepsis, severe sepsis and septic shock on the part of the nursing and medical professionals who work in the unit of urgency and emergency studied is still restricted and needs to be expanded. In addition, since this knowledge is directly linked to the early identification and treatment of septic syndrome. Keywords: sepsis; nursing care; emergency services. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

A percepção dos professores sobre respiração oronasal em alunos de uma escola da rede privada – São Luís/MA

Resumo: Introduction: The breathing is indispensable to the functioning of the organism, and its first route is the nose, which directly interferes in the protection of the respiratory tract and the stimulation of the craniofacial development, however not everyone can use it properly which brings about changes in the life of an individual. Objective: The research aimed to identify the teachers' perception of oronasal breathing in students. Material and methods: The research was characterized as an observational, cross-sectional analytical study, and the initial sample was composed of 10 Co-Educar school teachers, regardless of age and time of profession, but who taught for students in the age group 1, 5 to 11 years old. Results: The results of the study indicated that 60% of teachers had inadequate perception and 40% were adequate. Discussion: Balthazar et al. (2016) confirmed that most teachers do not adequately perceive oronasal breathing in students, as 70% of them reported not perceiving their students' breathing type. Conclusion: It was verified the teachers' lack of adequate perception about oronasal breathing in students, and it demonstrates the necessity of the creation of activities that promote awareness about the incorrect way of breathing and its consequences, since teachers can perceive more easily not only the physical alterations, as well as any potential interference in the process of learning. Keywords: Speech therapy, Breathing, Students. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Pesquisa de resíduos de antibióticos em leite in natura, pasteurizado e UHT

Resumo: The presence of antibiotic residues in milk may occur due to their deliberate addition to the animal's feed and the final product or, due to non-compliance with the latency period after administration of these drugs in dairy animals, thus leading to undesirable reactions to humans, such as hypersensitivity, bacterial resistance and imbalance of the intestinal microbiota. Thus, the objective of the research was to investigate the presence of antibiotic residues in fresh, pasteurized and UHT milk samples marketed in the cities of Bela Cruz and Sobral, located in Ceará. Ninety milk samples were analyzed, of which 30 were fresh milk, 30 pasteurized milk and 30 UHT milk. Qualitative analyzes of antibiotic residue detection in milk were performed following the instructions in the Cow Side II Test kit. Of the 90 samples studied, 63.33% were positive for the presence of antibiotics, where 70% of the fresh milk samples, 73.33% of the pasteurized and 46.67% of the UHT milk samples showed positive reaction to the presence of antibiotics. antibiotics. It was concluded that in the majority of the samples studied there was the presence of antibiotic residues and the present residues were not quantified to compare with the acceptable limit due to the qualitative kit used for the tests. It should also be noted that despite the non-quantification, the presence of these residues should still be considered a concern for consumers, as it is known that they can cause allergic reactions in individuals with hypersensitivity, as well as exposing consumers to other serious risks. Keywords: antibiotics, milk, resistance. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Elaboração de hambúrguer de carne bovina com adição de farinha de sorgo

Resumo: The hamburger is a food very appreciated and consumed by the population of diverse age groups. In order to improve the nutritional quality of this meat product the objective is to develop a hamburger with different amounts of sorghum flour: 2.5; 5.0; 7.5 and 10% and indicators of physical, chemical, microbiological and sensory properties. The hamburgers presented microbiological levels according to the one recommended by the Brazilian Legislation and pH values (5.64-5.72) suitable for meat products, showing that the product is suitable for consumption. The results of the oven humidity characteristics at 105 °C for 5 hours showed that the cooked hamburger of the F4 formulation obtained a higher humidity (63.02%) than the other samples. In the parameter color (L*, a* and b*) it was observed that the higher the concentration of flour, the more intense the color of the hamburger. Instrumental analysis of the shear force showed that the addition of sorghum flour did not significantly affect the texture of the burgers having formulation 1 having a texture of 1.80 kgf/s and formulation 4 having a texture of 1.86 kgf/s. The baking values showed that the hamburgers with the highest percentage of sorghum flour had a higher moisture retention capacity (92.66%), with a higher yield (89.14%) and a lower shrinkage of the samples with a higher amount of flour (9.48%) contributing to greater succulence. The sensorial analysis using the nine-point hedonic scale, with 103 consumers, found that all the evaluated attributes (overall evaluation, color, taste, texture, purchase intention) had in the 4 formulations presented, good sensory acceptance and purchase intension, but formulation 2 was the best accepted by consumers. Keywords: hamburger; sorghum flour; technological analysis, acceptability. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Determinação da frequência de micronúcleos em células esfoliativas da mucosa oral em indivíduos fumantes e etilistas

Resumo: Smoking has been described as the main risk factor in the development of malignant and premalignant lesions in the oral mucosa, and alcohol consumption, on the other hand, is cited as a strong potential agent in triggering cancerous lesions. The study aimed to evaluate the frequency of micronuclei in exfoliative cells of the oral mucosa of smokers and alcoholics, comparing them with non-exposed individuals. Forty volunteers were selected and distributed in 4 groups containing individuals exposed to smoking and alcohol and not exposed. To determine the micronucleus frequency, the micronucleus assay technique was used in oral mucosal cells. The cells examined were collected using cytobrush brush and stained with Feulgen/Fast-green techniques. In the present study, the frequency of micronuclei in the groups exposed to tobacco and alcohol genotoxicity was significantly higher (P < 0.01) when compared to the control group. The association between alcohol and tobacco increased the appearance of micronucleus in the continuous users of these two substances (P < 0.05). Smokers and consumers of alcoholic beverages present higher amounts of cytotoxic damage to oral mucosa cells caused by the action of carcinogens present in cigarette smoke and alcohol. Keywords: micronucleus, genotoxicity, cancer, smoking, alcohol. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Satisfação de mulheres quanto ao uso de produtos de beleza no município de Imperatriz, Maranhão

Resumo: Satisfaction of women regarding the use of beauty products in the city of Imperatriz, Maranhão Women increasingly use cosmetics and beauty products, making the same part of a statistic in the area of public health, to social welfare. In this area we can highlight the importance of the use of these products in improving the quality of life of women. In view of the lack of information on the subject in the municipality of Imperatriz, Maranhão state, saw the need to write and perform a search on this context. Thinking on satisfaction and improving the quality of life of women, who make use of cosmetics and beauty products, and the promotion of public health for this audience is that was applied a questionnaire with direct method, through objective questions and conclusive. Consumers of cosmetics and beauty products, increasingly seeking beauty and satisfaction in the physical, mental and social were most of the women interviewed. Keywords: appearance, health, vanity. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Valorização de resíduos agroindustriais: fontes de nutrientes e compostos bioativos para a alimentação humana

Resumo: O aumento da produção de alimentos tem levado ao crescimento da geração de resíduos agroindustriais. O resíduo gerado precisa ser tratado antes de ser descartado, o que demanda custo e trabalho, e quando o descarte é feito de forma incorreta, os resíduos podem causar prejuízos ambientais. Alguns tipos de resíduos são passíveis de destinação para alimentação animal e humana devido a sua composição nutricional, entretanto a maioria deles são pouco explorados quanto as diferentes aplicações que poderiam ter. Os resíduos da produção vinícola, tanto cascas como sementes, podem ser considerados fontes de compostos fenólicos. Na casca da uva, as antocianidinas e os taninos condensados são encontrados em abundância, além dos polissacarídeos (celulose, pectinas e glucomananas). Resíduos como os das cervejarias, têm apresentado quantidades significativas de fibras e proteínas, além de compostos bioativos com atividade antioxidante elevada. Resíduos da produção de suco de laranja são ricos em fibras, óleos essenciais, carboidratos solúveis e insolúveis, e são geralmente destinados a alimentação animal ou descartados. O reaproveitamento de resíduos é uma alternativa que não beneficia somente as indústrias, agregando valor ao que era descartado, mas também podem enriquecer a alimentação humana com ingredientes nutritivos, os quais podem trazer benefícios à saúde, e que são provenientes de fontes naturais. Palavras-chave: compostos nutritivos, valor agregado, subprodutos, antioxidantes. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Ingredientes funcionais e seus benefícios a saúde humana

Resumo: Food technology is increasingly working on the development of products with bioactive molecules, called as functional foods, those that are good for health. The study of new ingredients for the food industry that can provide bioactive molecules is of great interest. The modern life of the world population has led to an increase in oxidative stress, thus increasing free radicals that damage healthy cells and can develop chronic diseases such as atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, premature aging, among others. Several studies with natural molecules have been carried out to combat and/or reduce these radicals, with polyphenols being one of the most studied components. In addition to studying the antioxidant activity of polyphenols, the scientific community has also been concerned with dietary fibers, prebiotics, and others. The consumer is looking for quality in the food they eat, as he increasingly believes that health is linked to what is consumed. Thus, the present article presents three raw materials that present functional compounds in their composition and brings some of its benefits to human health. Keywords: functional foods, polyphenols, fiber, mushroom, chia, soy. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Educação em saúde para alunos do primeiro ano do ensino fundamental sobre a leishmaniose em seres humanos e animais

Resumo: Objetivou-se avaliar o conhecimento de alunos do primeiro ano do Ensino Fundamental a respeito das formas de prevenção, contágio e sintomas em seres humanos e animais infectados por Leishmania spp. A leishmaniose, considerada mundialmente uma doença negligenciada, é uma zoonose crônica causada por um protozoário intracelular do gênero Leishmania, cuja transmissão ocorre através da picada de um vetor flebotomíneo. Foi aplicado um questionário semiestruturado para 56 crianças, antes e depois de realizarem atividades lúdicas acerca da leishmaniose. Foi possível constatar que após a realização das atividades e reaplicação do questionário, todas as crianças foram capazes de responder corretamente às perguntas reaplicadas. A educação em saúde demonstrou ser um método eficaz para ser trabalhado com crianças do ensino fundamental, utilizando-se de atividades lúdicas de ensino. O trabalho teve suas expectativas alcançadas ao obter resposta positiva de aprendizado junto às crianças participantes do projeto, demonstrado, inicialmente, por não terem conhecimento a respeito da leishmaniose em animais e seres humanos e ao, final do projeto, saberem desenvolver raciocínio sobre formas de prevenção, controles clínicos e sintomas dessa doença. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Preocupação deste século: longevidade com alimentação saudável

Resumo: Concern of this century: Longevity with healthy eating Considering the evident search for foods of fast and easy preparation, the industrial and scientific communities have been investing in the development of new products that, besides attending to this demand, can offer benefits to the health of the consumer. Among the foods that do not require a lot of time to prepare at home, the hamburger deserves prominence, due to its high consumption. However, because it contains saturated fat and because it is subjected to the frying process, too much consumption of this product can be harmful to human health and can cause chronic diseases, among them, obesity and hypertension. Studies have demonstrated the possibility of substitution of ingredients in the formulation of hamburgers, with the intention of incorporating substances with functional properties; therefore, substances that may contribute to the health and well-being of consumers. In this context, this review addresses issues related to meat, in the sense of conceptualizing the product and, in the light of the literature, offers possible alternatives and that have been studied to make this food healthier. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

A psicanálise e a saúde mental

Resumo: Este artigo busca marcar uma diferenciação entre a pesquisa em psicanálise e a pesquisa nas ciências naturais. Como se qualificam o objeto de estudo, a fundamentação teórica e a metodologia de pesquisa no campo da psicanálise em comparação com outros campos das ciências naturais. Observa-se que a diferença não se limita ao campo da pesquisa, mas também em concepções diversas sobre o conceito de saúde mental e suas respectivas medidas terapêuticas. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo