Artigo de Revisão

Tipos de tratamento para o câncer de mama

Resumo: Background: At the moment breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in women worldwide, atthe fifth position of cancer that causes the most death in the world. Objective: The respective study focused on describing the types of treatments for breast cancer, in view of the therapeutic efficacy of the main types of treatments contextualizing the importance of appropriate treatment. Methods: The methodology applied is a descriptive bibliographic review research, with the purpose of deepening the knowledge about breast cancer, and the main types of treatments used in this neoplasm. Conclusions: Early detection of the disease is essential to obtain a prognosis and a satisfactory treatment that helps in the survival of patients, aiming at the elimination of the tumor in the patient's body. Keywords: prognosis, breast cancer, treatments, tumor. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Medidas preventivas para diminuição no risco de pneumonia associada à ventilação mecânica

Resumo: Introduction: Invasive mechanical ventilation exposes patients to the risk of acquiring pneumonia associated with mechanical ventilation, which causes high rates of prolonged hospitalization, increased hospital costs and consequent worsening of the clinical picture, increasing the mortality of these patients. Such aspects make pneumonia associated with mechanical ventilation the second main infection related to health care in an intensive care unit. Review: Through the literature review methodology, this study aimed to identify, know and reinforce preventive measures performed by nursing care, capable of reducing the incidence of pneumonia associated with mechanical ventilation in an intensive care unit. Discussion: 22 references were selected, including 19 scientific articles, a book and two publications by health organizations, all in Portuguese. Final considerations: Based on the consulted literature, it was concluded that adherence to preventive measures is a powerful instrument to define strategies that increase the quality of health care in patients in intensive care units in invasive mechanical ventilation. It is suggested that educational measures aimed at the implementation of bundles for the prevention of pneumonia associated with mechanical ventilation be developed for the entire health team that works in an intensive care unit, especially for the nursing team, whose professionals are the ones who most are related to this type of care. Keywords: Pneumonia associated with mechanical ventilation, artificial respiration, nursing care. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Biodiversidade das Plantas Medicinais: benefícios e riscos

Síndrome de Burnout: consequências e implicações na vida dos profissionais de saúde

Resumo: Introduction: Burnout Syndrome is a professional burnout syndrome that develops in response to chronic work stress. Review: This study addresses the theme in order to identify the main consequences of the disease in the lives of health professionals, especially among nurses. This is a review of the literature in articles published on the topic, which were selected from the databases of the Virtual Health Library, MEDLINE, SciELO and Google Scholar, between 2010 and 2020. Discussion: 19 references were selected for the study, seventeen scientific articles, a book and a publication from the Pan American Health Organization. Final considerations: The study found that there is a high incidence of the syndrome among health professionals, especially in nursing, with multiple stressful sources in the work environment of these professionals who predispose them to the syndrome, with emphasis on overtime working hours, low salary conditions and poor working conditions. The disease has negative consequences, causing problems at the individual, professional, family and social levels. Keywords: Burnout, professional burnout, health professionals. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Abordagem inicial em neonatologia na presença de erro inato do metabolismo

Resumo: Introduction: Inborn errors of metabolismo (EIM) are inherited diseases of a single gene that result in defects in the body's biochemical pathways. Although these disorders are individually rare, collectively they are responsible for a significant portion of childhood disabilities and deaths. Review: Health care professionals still find it difficult to identify cases of these diseases early and to establish appropriate therapy. Thus, the aim of the study is to understand how the initial approach in neonatology should be when identifying an IMT in a patient. The methodology used in the development of this study was a qualitative review of the literature. Discussion: 13 references were selected, 10 of which were scientific articles, a Technical Manual from the Ministry of Health and two reports on the expanded Pezinho test. In total, eight are in Portuguese and five in English. Final considerations: The results of the research showed that, in the event of a suspicion of an EIM, the neonatal health team must follow the following protocol: perform the diagnostic test; stop catabolism by providing glucose; administer supportive care; remove toxic metabolites; consider sepsis (as this can mimic metabolic disease). Treatment approaches such as special diets, enzyme replacement therapy, substrate inhibition and organ transplantation have been widely used. It is essential, therefore, that the neonatal health team is trained and updated on innovations in this area, in order to provide the patient with the best option of health care. Keywords: inborn error of metabolism, neonate, neonatal screening test. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

As fake news e seus impactos na saúde da sociedade

Resumo: Introduction: The growing popularity of fake news since 2016 has been affecting various areas of the population's life, including health, promoting a scenario of vulnerability, confusion for the reader and information insecurity, which is why this article aims to describe the impacts of fake news about the health of society. Review: Integrative review of the literature found in the Lilacs, PubMed, Scielo, Latindex, journal portal Capes, Google Scholar and Brapci, between 2018 and 2020 published in portuguese and english, available in full. The selected publications were categorized by similarity in the objectives and themes of study in fake news and their relationship with the mechanism of digital social networks and applications, the impacts of fake news on society and, fake news and health. Discussion: Compromise of the reliability of information from health professionals, lack of attention to medical treatment and the effects of medicines, self-medication and promotion of the cure of certain diseases by non-standardized means are the main impacts of fake news on society, when considering the context health, resulting from the vulnerability of the public using digital social networks and applications. Final considerations: Combating and stopping fake news is still a challenge. The spread of the need to confirm the veracity of the news received, as well as the education of society on the procedures for its prevention is urgent in the absence of effective means to solve this problem, without detriment to the respect for the freedom of expression of society. Keywords: fake news, social media, false news, health. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Práticas alimentares propostas pelo Guia Alimentar para a População Brasileira (2014): cenário após seis anos de seu lançamento

Resumo: Introduction: The global overweight syndemia demands the institution of public policies and intersectoral actions that affects the health determinatives. The Dietary Guideline for the Brazilian Population (DGBP), published at 2014, constitutes an essencial tool and delivers a holistic approach regarding alimentation, dialoguing with cultural, social, economic and environmental facets whilst introducing the NOVA food classification. The objective of this study was to assess the food consumption by Brazilian individuals under the enlightenment of the NOVA food classification in accordance with the DGBP. Review: An integrative review of studies, using the descriptors ‘Guia Alimentar’ and the terms ‘Food Guide’ AND ‘Brazil’ for English searches. The descriptor ‘Guia Alimentar’ and the filter ‘Brasil’ were used on SciELO database, prioritizing researches done in national territory. On LILACS database, the descriptor ‘Guia Alimentar’ and the publication interval filter, comprehending a period of five years (2015-2020), were used. On Cambridge Core database the descriptors ‘Food Guide’ AND ‘Brazil’ and the filters: type of content, publication date and subject limitation were used. After the adoption of the eligibility criteria, eight studies were selected. Discussion: It was observed a suboptimal adequacy of the dietary practices endorsed by DGBP, with the high consumption of ultra-processed aliments to the detriment of the natural ones. The variables socioeconomic class, family income, demographics, scholarship level, gender and age range, have a direct relation with the adoption of healthier and most suitable dietary practices. The food consumption of the Brazilian population is at odds with the dietary recomendations proposed by the DGBP through NOVA food classification. Final considerations: The disassemble and the underfunding of public dietary and nutrition policies may complicate the dissemination of the Guide’s messages, diminishing the potential of the Dietary and Nutritional Education actions particularly in the Primary Health Care. Keywords: dietary guideline, Brazil. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

O impacto das fake news e a sua influência na automedicação na COVID-19

Resumo: Introduction: Since the end of 2019, with the emergence of the global crisis generated by SARS-CoV-2, the percentage of global production and consumption of news and information on the subject has increased considerably, with SARS-CoV-2 occupying the largest part of the space in the media. The objectives of this work are to analyze the impact caused by false news, related to the use of drugs and other means as an attempt to prevent or cure coronavirus disease. 2. Review: This is a descriptive study, using the bibliographic review as a method, on the impact of fake news and the influence on self-medication in covid 19, in the following databases: SciELO, Lilacs and Pubmed. as inclusion criteria, original scientific articles, with keywords pandemic, coronavirus, false news, self-medication, covid-19, infodemia. 3. Discussion: Infodemia, the same as, the excess of information on the same topic, especially the coronavirus, caused misunderstandings and a disorientation on the part of people, who lose or minimize the ability to recognize reliable sources and content. The results obtained indicate that a large part of the community fell in the spread of false information even before the virus entered the country. 4. Final Considerations: In this sense, future research should focus on preventive educational interventions that provide users with the skills they need to access evidence-based information and to reject falsehoods. Necessary measures to control any infodemic. In this sense, this type of analysis can help health authorities to keep up to date on how social network users share information. Keywords: pandemic, coronavirus, fake news, self-medication, covid-19, infodemic. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Práticas integrativas e complementares e suas aplicabilidades nos campos de formação e atuação de enfermeiro

Resumo: Introduction: Integrative and Complementary Practices have gradually strengthened significantly since they became a reality in the field of health and a National Policy of Integrative and Complementary Practices (PNPIC), in 2006. However, the applicability of these integrative practices in the process of caring in nursing and the relationship with the role of the nurse deserve to be reflected, even 14 years after the PNPIC was implemented. Objective: to highlight the integrative and complementary practices in the fields of education and performance of nurses, described in the national scientific production. Review: integrative of the literature carried out in the Lilacs, Bdenf, Medline, Scielo, Mosaico, VHL and Ebsco databases and databases based on the descriptors nursing care, nursing education, alternative therapies, complementary therapies, in Portuguese and available in full being guided by the question: “In what way have PICs been approached and used in the fields of education and performance of nurses? Discussion: The nurse demonstrates an understanding that the know-how of the PICs requires levels of understanding and appropriation of the technical, scientific and ethical knowledge of the profession, which are deficient or negligent in professional training, however such a gap does not prevent the experiences lived with the PICS that evidently they have been practiced based on empiricism, impairing such applicability in a competent way in the nurses' actions. Final considerations: PICs have been adopted in nursing practice, however the knowledge limitation for such applicability is conscious on the part of Nurses, elucidating concerns to carry out and manage them within the care process, as well as encouraging better training and dialectical spaces related, both in the academic area and in continuing / permanent education. Keywords: nursing care; nursing education; alternative therapies; complementary therapies. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Parto normal, dor e métodos não farmacológicos: uma revisão integrativa

Resumo: Introduction: The woman and ensuring that this is a unique and special moment. The non-pharmacological methods seeks the reduction of pain and provides episodes of relaxation and comfort for the parturient without the risk of harmful side effects to the patient. The objective of this article is to describe the existing non-pharmacological methods for the relief of pain in labor.  Review: This is an integrative review that raised 35 studies that describe the benefits of pharmacological methods for pain relief in childbirth. Discussion: The pain of childbirth, historically, is seen as something almost intolerable to deal with, being rewarded only for the pleasure of having the child in your arms. This painful sensation differs according to the cultural, social, and biological aspects of the woman, being seen in some cultures as a necessary pain, an initial milestone in motherhood. Conclusion: If within the process of parturition a humanized team work is carried out, guaranteeing the woman's protagonism in this moment and seeking that the non-pharmacological methods bring benefits for the relief of pain and the promotion of the woman's relaxation, we will have strong evolutions within obstetrics and the reduction of traumatic events for the woman in this unique moment of great value. It is emphasized that these non-pharmacological practices bring greater evolutions in the process of parturition if they are performed in a combined way. Keywords: pain relief, non pharmacological methods, complementary therapies, birth work. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Violência doméstica: mulheres vítimas da violência e do despreparo das equipes de enfermagem

Resumo: Introduction: Domestic violence against women is understood as any action or omission based on gender at some point in their life that causes death, injury, physical, sexual or psychological suffering, in addition to moral or patrimonial damage. It is an extremely serious public health problem due to the short, medium and long term consequences. Unfortunately, many professionals are unprepared to provide assistance to the victim, due to limiting factors, resulting in underreporting of cases. Objective: to highlight the reasons why nursing teams find it difficult to care for women victims of domestic violence. Review: Integrative of relevant evidence-based studies, published between 2015 and 2020, in Portuguese and English, available in full in the SciELO, Science Direct and BVS databases. DISCUSSION: The integration of the selected literature makes it possible to infer that the lack of qualification to identify cases of violence and insufficient knowledge on the topic, as well as their actions in relation to this issue, are the main evidences of the unpreparedness of nursing teams for an adequate assistance to woman, victim of domestic violence. In view of the complexity that encompasses the phenomenon of violence, nursing care requires planning to promote a reliable, respectful and satisfactory reception, capable of offering the victim the coping options. Final remarks: Awareness about domestic violence as a type of harm to women, as well as short, medium and long term developments are able to benefit not only women, but also all members involved in the intrafamily environment. Therefore, it is necessary to have a dignified, respectful and resolute welcome to each woman, thus providing qualified and effective assistance. Keywords: primary health care, nursing care, nursing, violence against women and domestic violence. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Mordida aberta: etiologia e relacionamento com hábitos deletérios

Resumo: An open bite can be defined as the presence of a negative vertical dimension between the incisal edges of the upper and lower teeth. The etiology of the open bite is associated with genetics, such as heredity and environmental factors, such as sucking habits, abnormal tongue function and size, mouth breathing, altered vertical growth pattern and congenital or acquired pathologies. Open bite can be defined as dental, dentoalveolar and skeletal and lead the individual to difficulties in chewing, swallowing and phonation conditions creating unfavorable conditions for the individual in their social environment including psychologically. Treatment is difficult and of little stability and should be started as soon as possible, increasing the chances of success. Keywords: open bite, etiology, treatment, stability. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

A odontologia do trabalho como instrumento de prevenção do absenteísmo

Resumo: Introduction: Worker health has made great strides in Brazil in recent years. Occupational Dentistry is highlighted in this context, as it aims to study, worry and explain the different oral problems that affect workers. Oral diseases do not deviate from systemic conditions and cannot be left aside when discussing disabilities that affect workers. The implementation of the Occupational Dentistry service in companies contains the prevention of workers 'oral health, if there is a current need for associated occupational medicine to aim at the integrality of workers' health. The aim of this work was through a literature review to discuss the role of the Labor Dentist in the prevention of oral pathologies in workers and in the control of absences from work. Keywords: worker, occupational dentistry, prevention. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Prostatectomia Transvesical X Prostatectomia a Millin: Revisão de literatura

Mulheres que superaram o Câncer: À volta ao mercado de trabalho

Resumo: Introduction: It is known that cancer is one of the diseases that cause the most deaths in the world, in addition to being away from work and, in many cases, dismissal, and can be classified as malignant when the disordered growth of these cells is uncontrollable, in large quantities and aggressive, leaves the person weakened and, in most cases, carries a risk of death in the short, medium or long term, depending on the clinical conditions and progression of the disease in each situation. To elaborate the theoretical framework, a bibliographic research was carried out, referring to the study about the cancer disease, its history and mainly the impacts that the disease and the treatment have on the woman's life, as well as the return to the job market after having won the disease and its control. Thus, according to the results acquired in the documentary data, through the search for scientific articles, in electronic databases in Google Scholar, Scielo, the most important references for the development of the work were selected. Keywords: cancer, women, work, Marketplace. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Cuidados de enfermagem relacionados à cardiotoxicidade envolvendo drogas como a antraciclinas e anticorpo monoclonais no tratamento oncológico

Resumo: Introduction: Cardiovascular diseases in cancer patients are increasingly frequent events, due to advances in cancer therapy that have resulted both in improving quality of life and increasing patient survival. In recent decades, progress in cancer treatment has also resulted in increased exposure of patients to cardiovascular risk factors and chemotherapy with potential for cardiotoxicity. Review: This is a work of bibliographic review of the integrative type, aimed at evaluating nursing care in the use of antineoplastic as main adverse effects to cardiotoxicity and reporting the severity of the use of anthracycline and monoclonal antibody. Discussion: Anthracyclines are antitumor antibiotics, widely used in various types of cancer and monoclonal antibodies is a type of immunological therapy and can be combined with conventional treatments, as it is also an antitumor. Both are a recognized cause of cardiotoxicity. Final considerations: It is of fundamental importance that nursing act before, during and after chemotherapy administration, observing the signs and symptoms and guiding both the patient and the family member about the antineoplastic used, its action on the body, its side effects and care in general. Keywords:cardiotoxicity, anthracyclines, monoclonal antibody, nursing care. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

A viabilidade da metodologia  Pragmatic  Randomized  Clinical Trials (PRCT)  à pesquisa de Medicina Tradicional Chinesa

Resumo: Introduction: Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is an Integrative and Complementary Practice and employs an integrative and complex view of the subject. Randomized Controlled Trials' methodology does not address the complex view of TCM. However, other methods such as pragmatic randomized controlled trials seem to be more appropriate. Objective of this work was to systematize and discuss the articles that used the Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trials methodology with TCM practices. Review: A systematic review of the literature of clinical trials using the PRCT methodology was performed. Articles from the databases were collected: PubMed, Scielo, Mosaico, Web Of Science and Cochrane. Discussion: The 17 selected studies found efficacy of TCM compared to the usual biomedical treatment. The PRCT seems to be a very appropriate methodology for conducting clinical trials and producing evidence regarding TCM practices and other integrative and complementary practices. Final considerations: the PRCT method allows the implication of a multidimensional and singular view of the subject, offering the benefit of not excluding the complexity of the therapy and the singular view of the health professional in relation to the patients treated in the research. Keywords: complementary therapies, integrative medicine, pragmatic clinical trial, medicine, chinese traditional, methods, research design. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

O uso do canabidiol como medicamento no Brasil para tratar doenças crônicas

Resumo: Introduction: In Brazil marijuana began along with its discovery, in the country the theme has always brought much discussion, and an exotic plant, native to Asia, used for many centuries for various purposes, such as religious rituals and medicinal practices. Studies of the substances isolated from active cannabis began around 1960, and several substances were discovered, among them the (THC) and (CDB) highlighting cannabidiol (CBD) non-hallucinogenic substance. It also has numerous pharmacological properties. According to the legislation marijuana and considered an illicit drug prohibited in the country, not being allowed possession, acquisition and transport. Before the validity of DRC Nº 327 of December 9, 2019 where was authorized in Brazil the commercialization of products containing (THC) and (CBD), patients who needed to use the plant’s assets for treatment were required to use legal means to obtain authorization to import the drugs with marijuana substances. Therefore, the objective of this research was to carry out a bibliographic review in digital articles and virtual books found in academic Google, in databases platforms Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO), Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS). Through this, the work sought to describe the general concept of marijuana, seeking to define its concept throughout the proposed theme, as well as to list the benefits to the human body and possible therapeutic actions for diseases, while highlighting the harm caused by its use. Review: Information is presented from a descriptive exploratory research where information on the knowledge of students from 2 public schools in the city of Anápolis is compiled-GO, through a questionnaire where the students answered questions related to the compounds CBD and THC. Discussion: It was possible to understand through the elaboration of this review that Cannabis sativa (marijuana) has been used for thousands of years as a therapeutic method, and that only after having catalogued the substances of the plant, it has been possible to use it as an additional method to traditional therapy. Final considerations: Although marijuana has brought several problems to authorities due to its recreational use, the use of isolated substances brings several benefits to severely ill patients, used as an additional method to conventional treatment. Keywords: Cannabis sativa, cannabidiol, medicine, therapeutic effect, treatment. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Protocolos dietéticos midiáticos: características, aplicabilidade clínica e os possíveis mecanismos regulatórios

Resumo: Introduction: The practice of healthy eating is an essential method for the prevention, treatment and restoration of various diseases, therefore, the nutritional conduct must be based on scientific data on applicability, flexibility and acceptability. The objective of this work is to demonstrate, through scientific evidence, the characteristics and clinical applicability of some dietary protocols, which are in evidence in the media. A bibliographic review was carried out to address the thematic dietary media protocols: characteristics, clinical applicability, and possible regulatory mechanisms, in Portuguese, English and Spanish. The diets addressed were ketogenic, DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension), low FODMAP, gluten-free and paleolithic. Final considerations: The practice of a healthy lifestyle can generate countless benefits, such as prevention, cure and staging of several diseases, by doing a thorough analysis of the mechanisms and characteristics of some dietary protocols, you will find a certain degree of similarity: food balanced, diversified, individualized, indicated and accompanied by professionals in the field. Finally, it is concluded that to obtain plausible results, about the field of diets, it is essential to consider other aspects dissimilar to mass adhesion. Keywords: dietary protocols, indications, contraindications, benefits, adverse effects. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Fraudes em alimentos industrializados

Resumo: Introduction: Currently the population has changed their eating habits, and seeks every day industrialized foods, for the lack of time to prepare a healthy diet. And this entails bad eating habits, and even the consumption of foods of dubious quality. The industries have received great demand for food industrialization, because of the overconsumption of the population. With this companies have aimed at their profits, and in obtaining more benefits, and through this it has been observed every day that companies have defrauded more food. Objective: The objective of this work was to describe the concept of food fraud, to portray the types of fraud, to detail the characteristic of each fraud and finally to mention the possible health risks that these foods are capable of causing to the consumer. Review: The methodology used in this work is a bibliographic review carried out between May and June 2020. The databases used were SciELO and Google Scholar. Articles from 2010 to 2020 were included. Final considerations: The frauds that occur in the industries, is classified in changes such as: enzymatic, chemical, microbiological, microbial, by adulterations that is addition, or subtraction and counterfeits, this occurs to obtain more profits, and to increase the shelf life of food, among other irregularities. Food fraud brings a health risk, and in more severe cases it can lead to the individual dying. Fraud omits the nutritional values of food, and the actual composition of food. Keywords: adulteration, alterations, forgeries, fraud, industries. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

TEA e neurociência na aprendizagem escolar no ensino fundamental

Resumo: Introduction: The main objective of this writing is to report, based on theoretical references, the contributions of neuroscience to learning, broadly seeking to explore and contribute to individuals with ASD. Review and discussion: Given this, the study brings aspects of neuroscience in general, in order to better explore its context, besides highlighting the main characteristics of ASD, seeking to identifying important managements with it in the learning process and how it is characterized. Thus, it aims to contribute to the patient to have a satisfactory school learning, combining education and neuropsychopedagogy in elementary school, supporting inclusion through different levels of learning, highlighting specificities and observing the needs of each student. Final considerations: Inclusion can become a reality in the educational context through attitudes aimed at the development and fulfillment of the needs and specificities of the student with autism spectrum disorder, reinforcing that each. Keywords: TEA, learning, elementary education, neuropsychopedagogy. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Papel do enfermeiro do PSE na prevenção da gravidez na adolescência

Resumo: Introduction: Adolescent pregnancy is considered a public health problem and the school, together with the PSE Nurses, is committed to developing educational and assistance actions, geared to the needs and particularities of this age group. Review: This is a qualitative literature review. The study subjects were adolescents aged 10 to 19 years enrolled in public schools in a municipality in the metropolitan region of Salvador-Ba. Discussion: Health education must be developed in partnership with the school, family and health professionals, as a proposal to reduce the rate of teenage pregnancy, carrying out activities that help to build knowledge.Final remarks: The school is the ideal place for the development of educational activities and nursing reception is essential for the development of actions aimed at preventing pregnancy in adolescence. Keywords: nursing, adolescent health, pregnancy. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Atuação do (a) enfermeiro (a) na prevenção e controle das infecções hospitalares na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal

Resumo: Introduction: The occurrence of nosocomial infection has been identified as an important public health problem in Brazil and in the growing world in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), developing various topics for discussion, seeking ways to prevent and control these infections. In this context, it appears in an attempt to improve the service and minimize the risks of neonatal infection, modifying and standardizing care. The purpose of this article was to discuss the role of the nurse in the process of prevention and control of nosocomial infection in the NICU, based on the identification of the clinical priorities of newborns (NBs). This is a descriptive study, through a literature review, based on the scientific articles selected on the basis of LILACS, SCIELO (Scientific Electronic Library), VHL, Theses and Protocols from the Ministry of Health. Review: At the NICU, which is a critical sector, there should be daily monitoring, providing data that help the Commission to analyze monthly statistics, in addition to allowing the implementation of preventive actions to reduce the rate of nosocomial infection as a whole Discussion: The speeches obtained were divided into two proposed themes : Understanding the means of infections and risk factors in the NICU in face of nursing procedures and Hospital infection in the context of nurse care, guiding health professionals and nursing students on the importance of such preventive measures . Final considerations: It is concluded that the nurse stands out for being the qualified professional in assuming the role of advisor and educator of the nursing team and users of health services, performing in a qualified way the touching surveillance hospital infections in neonates, by characterizing such events in a local approach, emphasizing the importance of carrying out control and prevention measures in order to reduce the risks that exist in an NICU. Keywords: neonatal intensive care unit, neonatal nursing, hospital infection. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Tratamentos antineoplásicos: foco na perspectiva holística da fé como agente terapêutico

Resumo: Introduction: Cancer can be considered as an atypical mass with unbridled growth with self-stimulation properties, and, only from the 30's, during the Provisional Government, did the battle really begin? Against carcinogenesis, marked by the construction of hospitals for the treatment and study of cancer. During the Middle Ages scientific research contributed to the beginning of the Renaissance, since then medicine and faith were better understood and included, simultaneously, in patient care. The objective was, then, based on the scientific literature, to know the relevance and applicability of faith, concomitantly with conventional antineoplastic therapies. Review and discussion: A literature review was conducted in several databases, which revealed that the search for faith may have been born of human need, due to its fragility, accepting but not giving in to the disease, presenting the numerous benefits of faith in the face of acceptance, treatment and positive outcome for cancer patients. Final considerations: It was concluded that faith transcends spiritual and psychological relief, modifies the physical state, acting in the systems: endocrine, immune and central nervous, helping in the acceptance of the diagnosis and negative outcomes; adherence and effectiveness of the treatment, and its result, as well as the placebo effect, is given by the mind-body healing method, where, through the beliefs and hopes at the psychological level, various physiological effects set in, resulting in better quality of life and survival, better prognosis and therapeutic efficacy. Keywords: cancer pain, heal by faith, combination therapy patient's cooperation, antineoplastic protocols, placebo effect. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Correlação entre dietas restritivas e o surgimento ou agravamento de transtornos alimentares

Resumo: Introduction: Obesity is a public health problem, making weight loss a common apprehension today, covering almost all age groups. In view of this, the idea of rapid weight loss arises, impacting on the emergence of popular diets to eradicate obesity. Objective of this work was to demonstrate through several studies the real reasons for the unrestrained practice of restrictive diets and their negative repercussion in the development of eating disorders. Review: A review of the literature was carried out with the aim of approaching the thematic fad diets and their effects on the health of their followers. Discussion: The yearning for weight loss embedded in societies is perceived by the literature as one of the factors that would contribute to the disordered growth of these disorders nowadays. Final considerations: It is noted that regardless of the motivation to practice restrictive diets, they acquire a connotation of tolerance, making a satisfactory quality of life impossible. Keywords: restrictive diets, fad diets, healthy eating index, analysis of fad diets, eating disorders Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Manejo clínico e intervenção farmacêutica de toxicidades no tratamento de câncer colorretal metastático

Resumo: Introduction: Colorectal cancer is a neoplasm that affects the segments of the large intestine. Treatment is dependent on the size, location and extent of the tumor, as the metastatic colorectal cancer can spread to other organs consequently reducing the chances of cure. According to the World Health Organization, an adverse reaction to medications is defined as any harmful and unintended response that occurs due to the use of any medication in its usual dose. Toxicity encompasses the possible side effects of a treatment, which can cause delays in the chemotherapy cycle, reduction of the dose of drugs, hospital admissions, substitution and / or interruption of treatment, which can compromise the safety of the treatment, causing life-threatening. The work aims to present the toxicities related to the “very common” adverse reactions, most frequent of the drugs 5-fluorouracil, capecitabine and irinotecan and their respective management in metastatic colorectal cancer for intervention by the oncological pharmacist. Review: From the methodology, 30 articles were selected because they are in the full version and according to the theme. This is a literature review of national and international articles in databases (Scielo, Lilacs, ScienceDirect and Google Scholar). Discussion: Toxicities should be evaluated beforehand, it is recommended that a new cycle of chemotherapy is not started until it is resolved or has regression to grade 2 or less, the cycle may be postponed from one to two weeks for full recovery or until it is not limiting for continuity with the treatment. If the expected recovery is not possible, suspension of treatment should be considered. Final considerations: The pharmaceutical evaluation is essential in the identification of toxicities, since he has elementary knowledge of the adverse effects and toxicities of drugs, thus being able to assist the medical team in the decisions of complementary therapy. Keywords: 5-fluoruracil, cancer colorectal, capecitabine, CTCAE, irinotecan, metastasis, toxicity. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Efeitos agudos do EzPAP® terapia de expansão pulmonar: vantagens e desvantagens

Resumo: Introduction: Restrictive lung diseases affect about 12% of the general population and cause a reduction in lung expansion. They are characterized by decreased vital capacity and lung volumes. The EzPAP® is a non-invasive respiratory physiotherapy device, indicated for pulmonary expansion. Objective: To detail the acute effects of EzPAP®, its advantages and disadvantages for pulmonary expansion. Methodology: This is an integrative review of a clinical nature. A search was performed in the databases MedLine, LILACS, Pedro Scientific Eletronic Library online (Scielo), United States National Library of Medicine (PubMed) and Cochrane Controlled. The search period was from March to October 2020. Articles published in the last 10 years were included, without language restrictions. Repeated articles and publications that were not included in databases were excluded. For the selection of articles, the methodology was structured in five phases: (1) Identification of the theme, (2) Search of the subject in the databases, (3) Categorization of studies, (4) Evaluation and (5) Interpretation of the studies results. Three independent reviewers participated in the investigation. Disagreements about inclusion were resolved through a second analysis and consensus of the pre-selected study. Results: 22 studies were found, of which 16 were excluded, as they did not describe a methodological design and for including other clinical conditions other than acute respiratory failure in adults. Thus, 6 studies were included that met the criteria established for the primary outcome. Final Considerations: The most frequent acute effects were the shorter hospital stay, prevention and treatment of pulmonary atelectasis, reduction of dyspnea, hypoxemia and hypercapnia. Few studies have explored and highlighted the disadvantages of EzPAP®, and some had important limitations, with no data on the percentage and relative amount of improvement or worsening of the participants' health status. Keywords: Pulmonary atelectasis, Physiotherapy, Respiratory failure, Physiotherapy modality, Positive pressure breathing, Respiratory care units. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Impacto da cirurgia bariátrica no metabolismo do cálcio

Resumo: Introduction: Due to the high prevalence of obesity that affects the whole world, bariatric surgery has been gaining strength and space in relation to the types of conventional treatments, mainly by individuals who have to lose weight, and who have not been successful with diet alone. However, these procedures cause a significant decrease in the absorption of some nutrients. Highlighting the serum calcium concentrations. Thus, a bibliographic research was carried out with the objective of reporting the main complications caused by calcium deficiency in individuals undergoing bariatric surgery. Review and discussion: The BIREME database was used to search for articles related to the theme of the past 10 years in Portuguese and English. At the end, ten articles were included, which demonstrated hypocalcemia in patients undergoing bariatric surgery, due to low calcium intake and absorption, leading to changes in parathyroid hormone and an increase in greater chances of developing bone fractures. Final remarks: Patients undergoing bariatric surgery show a decrease in calcium levels, so it is necessary to find out how to maintain these adequate levels. Keywords: Bariatric surgery, Calcium, Hypocalcemia, Fractures. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

A atuação do psicólogo no tratamento de pacientes graves na UTI e seus familiares

Resumo: The meaning as the awareness that intensive therapy patients can suffer grows, the units start to recruit psychologists to his teams. The Psychologists from the intensive therapy unit aim to evaluate and reduce suffering of patients, family members and employees to improve results. Thus, the objective of this research is to demonstrate the psychologist's role in the treatment of critically patients in UTI. Consequently, the need for psychological evaluate and patient support has gained acceptable. Since families of critically patients and UTI's team can also be stressed or traumatized, they may also require psychological information. With the gradual spread of the results of these researches among doctors, intensive care departments began to employ psychologists as key colleagues in the multidisciplinary team. Keywords: UTI, psychologist, families. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo

Tratamento de câncer em gestantes: Estudo de Revisão de Relatos de Casos

Resumo: Introduction: Cancer is a group with more than 100 pathologies, which have disordered growth, invading tissues and organs, and are named according to the type of cell and tissue in which they start. The diagnosis of cancer during pregnancy is considered a delicate situation, because it generates suffering for the patient and family and challenging health professionals because it is a rare event. The work aims to present the pharmacological treatments and conducts adopted in cancer in pregnant women, through articles of case reports. Review: The research was conducted based on searches in the Pubmed and Scielo databases, with the keywords in English, pregnancy, cervical cancer, vulvar cancer, ovarian cancer and endometrial cancer, and their respective terms in Portuguese and Spanish. Being the search period from May 1, 2019 to February 28, 2020, articles published between 2005 to 2019 are considered valid, using abstracts and research results from 8 case reports as inclusion and exclusion criteria. Discussion and final considerations: It suggests that the treatment adopted, follow the same criteria as non-pregnant women, however the little literature makes it difficult to choose the best therapy and demonstrates the need for a multidisciplinary team, as well as the importance of the pharmacist in choosing the most appropriate therapy, according to the pregnant woman's staging. Keywords: pregnant woman, cancer, chemotherapy, case reports. Expandir Resumo Acessar Texto Completo